In addition to the Saturday sale, FOL is presenting its first “members-only” pre-sale opportunity on Friday, May 3, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., also at the Activity Center. FOL members will be able to purchase items from the sale inventory before the general public. Non-members may join FOL ($10 membership fee) at the pre-sale to take advantage of the early bird shopping opportunity.

Proceeds from FOL’s book sales and other projects are used to support the library in different ways.  “The money we raise,” explained President Malena Avila Hough, “helps to supplement the library’s book collection and present live shows for children and the community.

“We invite anyone who shares our passion for the library to join the Friends of the La Mirada Public Library,” she said.  Information about FOL is available at the library and the book sale.

The Friends of the La Mirada Public Library, Inc., is a nonprofit association of community-minded individuals committed to focusing public attention on the library’s services, facilities, and needs, and to encouraging and facilitating gifts and donations in support of the library.