Gourmet Food Trucks Come to La Mirada
La Mirada~The gourmet food truck craze has now come to La Mirada.
La Mirada High School that is.
Every Thursday night from 5:30-9:00 p.m. the school site will host a gourmet food truck event with 6-8 vendors offering up creative street cuisine.
The event will serve as a fundraiser for the athletics department and will be held in the administration building parking lot.
Gourmet-on-the-go such as Los Angeles' famous Kogi taco trucks, have exploded in Southern California in recent years-creating a multi-million dollar industry. The recipe? Sophisticated food at reasonable prices.
"We have really seen a positive response from the different schools we have visited", said Danielle Murcia, booking manager for Curbside Bites, "The schools can always use extra funds. It helps them out and it's a fun event for the community. It's really a win-win for everyone."
This Thursday's merchants include: Nom Nom Truck, Cheeseball Wagon, Crazy Creole Cafe, Naan Stop, Don Chow Tacos and Chunk N Chip.
The line-up of trucks will change weekly which you can find on our Twitter badge or by visiting us at www.twitter.com/lamiradablog.
La Mirada High School is located at 13520 Adelfa Drive in La Mirada, across the street from La Mirada County Regional Park.

Candidates Forum Scheduled for School Board
Norwalk~A Candidates Forum will be held for the Norwalk-La Mirada School Board on Thursday, October 20th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Norwalk City Hall Council Chambers, 12700 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk.
There are four candidates manuevering for three spots-Jesse Urquidi, Karen Morrison, Chris Pflanzer, and Diane Gramajo.
The event is being hosted by the Norwalk Community Coordinating Council and the Norwalk Woman's Club.

New Non-Profit Hopes to Let Kids Dance
Whittier~A new non-profit organization, the Whittier Youth Ballet, will hold its Premier Performance Fundraiser on Saturday, October 8th at the Whittier Community Theater, 7630 S. Washington Ave. in Whittier.
The goal of the WYB is to grant scholarships to help expose the underprivileged to dance as well as provide advanced training to youth in Whittier and the surrounding communities-giving kids more opportunities to study and appreciate the art of dance.
The free event begins at 5 p.m. with appetizers and refreshments, followed by a brief dance performance at 6:00. Door prizes will also be part of the festivities.
Donations will be accepted, but the main purpose of this event is to introduce WYB to the community.
For more information, to RSVP, or to make a donation, please contact Kathleen Diaz at (562) 533-0671.

New Board Takes Over Helm for La Mirada Kiwanis
La Mirada~This past Wednesday evening, the new Officers and Board for the Kiwanis Club of La Mirada were installed for the 2011-12 term year.
The new incoming cabinet includes Alan Morrison as President; Tom Thornton as President Elect; Ginger Shattuck as Vice-President (Evening Club); Amy Scheibel as Secretary; and Bill Dawson as Treasurer.
The Kiwanis Chronicles reported outgoing President Steve Forrester gave out awards to Dave Constantine for Rookie of the Year and to Scheibel for Kiwanian of the Year.
La Mirada Kiwanis Club has a long and extensive history serving the La Mirada community. Some of the service club's sponsorship and participation include such events as The Kiwanis Duck Race, the Knabe Katch Fishing Derby and other La Mirada community events. At many of these events, the club offers up its famous pancake breakfasts.
Longtime services to the community from the club include hosting weekly bingo games at local convalescent hospitals and the giving of annual scholarships to the area's youth.

Fundraising Event for VOPS at Sheriff’s Academy
Whittier~This Saturday October 8th from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Norwalk Sheriff's Station Volunteers are hosting a Goodwill Donation Fundraiser at the Sheriff's Academy in Whittier. The academy is located on the corner of Telegraph Rd. and Colima Rd.
Clean your house and donate your used items. If you are having a garage sale, consider donating your unsold items.
The volunteers have partnered with Goodwill Industries International to collect items for their centers. Your donations will help raise funds for equipment and training for the Volunteers on Patrol.
Norwalk Station currently has 50 Volunteers on Patrol who volunteer their time to patrol La Mirada, Norwalk and Whittier. They are also called upon to assist during emergencies throughout the County of Los Angeles.

Older Model Hondas Popular for Thieves in La Mirada Last Week
A robbery was reported on the 14500 block of Telegraph Rd. A male suspect stole cash from a restaurant.
Residential Burglary
A burglary was reported on the 14900 block of Steprock Dr. Various credit cards and a checkbook were stolen from the home.
Vehicle Burglary
Three vehicle burglaries were reported last week. Two burglaries were reported on the 14300 block of Firestone Blvd. Purses, stereo equipment and a third row seat were reported stolen. Another theft of a third row seat was reported on the 14200 block of Firestone Blvd.

Beatitudes Athletics Off to a Great Start
La Mirada~The Beatitudes of Our Lord School varsity football team kicked off the season with a 40-0 win over St. Pius X on Saturday, September 24 at St. Paul High School.
This victory comes off the heels of the Bobcat's championship success at two pre-season tournaments; the 1st Annual St. John Bosco Flag Football Tournament and the 7th Annual St. Paul Swordsmen Elite Boys "A" Football Tournament. Coach Bernie Edwards states, "The kids worked hard this summer and have shown great team work so far. We still have a long way to go this season, but if the team continues to stay focused we should continue to win games."

Four Inducted Into Local Ebell Club
La Mirada~La Mirada Ebell recently inducted four new members into the area-wide, service-oriented women's club Embracing the Club goal of "fellowship while funding scholarships" were Donna Braswell and Jeannie Lee of Whittier, and Susan Cable and Patricia Lopez of La Mirada.
To accomplish the 2011-2012 Ebell goal, President Cheri Collin asks the community to support Club projects, the first being an ongoing "Flower Power" bulb sale. Orders will be taken until Oct. 12, with half of the proceeds going to the Club.

New Season Begins at La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts
Season Debuts with "Noises Off", Written by Michael Frayn and Directed by Richard Seyd; Opens Tonight and Runs Sept. 23 - Oct. 16
La Mirada~La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts & McCoy Rigby Entertainment are thrilled to open their 2011-2012 season with one of the funniest comedies of all time, "Noises Off" written by Michael Frayn and directed by Richard Seyd. "Noises Off" will open on Friday, September 23, 2011 (with a press opening on Saturday, September 24) and run through Sunday, October 16, 2011 at La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts, 14900 La Mirada Blvd in La Mirada.

La Mirada Neighborhood Watch Meeting Set
La Mirada~A Neighborhood Watch Meeting is scheduled for Reporting Districts 0461 and 0462. If you live in the area bounded by Imperial Highway and Rosecrans Avenue and between La Mirada Boulevard and Valley View Avenue, you are invited to attend. The meeting will take place on Saturday, Sept. 24 at 10 a.m. at Gardenhill Elementary School, 14607 Gardenhill Drive.
Members of the Public Safety Team will discuss how you can protect your home and your property. Captain Maxwell of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department will be the guest speaker. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and have deputies address concerns about problems specific to this neighborhood.
For additional information, call the La Mirada Community Sheriff's Station at (562) 902-2960.
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