Easter at Ford Theatre, Museums, Memorials, & National Archives
Day 3 - Easter Sunday
The weather cleared up today. It was no longer raining and the sun was out for the first time during our trip. In fact, it got up to 84 degrees Fahrenheit-a difference of 41 degrees cooler when we originally arrived. We were greeted with candy from the Easter Bunny in front of our rooms.
I woke up at 6:30 am to our daily wake-up call (our phone is very loud). After 7:30 am breakfast, we boarded our motor coach to Ford Theatre. The coach driver was very surprised at the limited amount of traffic, but she remembered that it was Easter Sunday and she said the roads were very empty. We were dropped off at Honest Abe's Souvenir Shop for some quick shopping. I got my sister a pink Washington DC shirt, my big brother a Vietnam Memorial statue, my little brother an Air Force One airplane and my mother a gold White House coin.
We then went to Ford's Theatre where they gave us the story of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. I was shocked to learn that Lincoln was left alone by his bodyguard just before his assassination by John Wilkes Booth. Did you know that John Wilkes Booth was a respected actor in that very same theatre which made it very easy for him to access Lincoln as a VIP? The timing of the murder was very concise and a lot of planning went into it. I thought that was very interesting, because I didn't know John Wilkes Booth had so much hate for Lincoln, but then again, I guess that's why he assassinated him.

Day 2 of Los Coyotes DC Trip
NEW! Day 2 - Proud to be an American
Today, Saturday, April 23, 2011, we woke up at 5:50 AM, which is too early for me, but we had another awesome day.
We started with breakfast at 7:00 am, and then our tired bodies jumped on the "luxury coach" and went to our nation's Capitol. When we arrived, the rain started to come down in sheets. Those of us who forgot our umbrellas (me), got soaked. Once inside the Capitol Building I was in awe of how gigantic our Nation's Capitol building is. The main theme was E. Pluribus Unum, which means, "Out of Many, One." We took a school picture in front of the Capitol right after our tour.
After lunch, we went to the Pentagon Memorial. This was kind of touching as I learned that out of the 184 people that perished, the youngest was three years old from American Airlines Flight 77, named Dana Falkenberg. Everyone in my group was very sad to see someone so young die with her family.

Student Update From Washington DC
DAY 1 -Friday, April 22, 2011
The time is 9:15 EST. Today was a very cold and wet day. Even though the temperature dropped to 43 degrees Fahrenheit, we all still had an awesome time.
Last night we left LAX at 11:00 PM from American Airlines flight 74. Almost none of us were able to sleep on the flight called the red-eye (I know why it is now called the red-eye!). For those of us who did sleep, we only got 30 minutes to an hour long nap. Our hearts were pounding with excitement and we just couldn’t doze off.
We arrived at Dulles International airport at 6:25 AM. Then the lack of sleep hit us, and hit us hard. We began to walk slowly towards the bus and personally, my feet were aching because the lack of movement of my feet. Our tired bodies walked to get our luggage and we felt the cool spring morning once we exited the airport.

Student From Los Coyotes to Provide DC Trip Updates
La Mirada~Christian Covarrubias, 8th grader at Los Coyotes Middle School in La MIrada, and many of his classmates, embarked on this year's American Heritage Trip. Follow his progress right here on the La Mirada Blog. First entry to come shortly.
Thursday, April 21, 2011 4:48 PM PT
The Departure
I am so incredibly excited. At 11:00 tonight, Los Coyotes and Hutchinson Middle School's will be boarding American Airlines Flight 74 to Washington DC. I am taking an overnight trip called a "Red-Eye." We will be arriving at 6:55 am and we hit the ground running. I'll keep you all posted once we arrive.

La Mirada 3-Day Carnival Features Local Food, Music and Fun
Event Benefits Youth Groups and Community Organizations
La Mirada~A weekend of rides, tasty carnival food, and entertainment awaits you this weekend at the annual "4 La Mirada Kids" Carnival April 15 through 17 at Benton Middle School. The fun filled fair features a variety of activities for the entire family.
Pre-sale ride tickets are available for $10 at the La Mirada Resource Center. A percentage of the proceeds are returned to local schools and organizations that sell the pre-sale tickets.
Friday | 5-11 |
Saturday | 12-11 |
Sunday | 1-9 |

Ducks Invade Splash! Aquatics Center
Popular Community Event Continues to Grow With Change of Venue
La Mirada~The 4th Annual "Going Quackers for Kids" Duck Race is happening on Saturday, April 23, 2011 after the city's Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast.
The first heat will start around noon at Splash! Aquatics Center, in Buccaneer Bay. The Kiwanis Club of La Mirada is spearheading the event, but has welcomed several local non-profit organizations and schools to earn money for their own projects. The grand prize is $2500. You can adopt a duck to compete in the race for just $5-or get 6 ducks for $25.
The community selling groups receive 50% of all duck/sponsor sales they take in. To find out what groups are participating, log on to the race website. Sponsors and selling groups are also given the opportunity to put up a tent at the race to explain their programs and needs.
There are various sponsorship levels (starting at $250). Each sponsor receives a duck in a special corporate sponsor race along with at least 50 ducks in the main race. Number of ducks for each race depends on the level of sponsorship. All sponsors are listed on the race website at www.duckrace.com/lamirada.
You can adopt ducks directly online or the Kiwanis Club will be happy to mail you an adoption paper. If you're interested in becoming a selling group, sponsoring the event or wanting more information, contact Debbie Scheibel (Head Duck) at (714) 670-0186.

Beatitiudes School to Hold its First Annual Spring Fundraiser
La Mirada~ Beatitudes of Our Lord School will hold its first annual spring fundraiser event called BLISS on April 9th, 2011 at the Knott's Berry Farm Resort Hotel. BLISS stands for Beatitudes Leading Its Successful Students. The event will include cocktails, dinner, dancing and silent and live auctions.
"The Beatitudes of Our Lord School BLISS Gala is nearly sold out and it is with great joy that we announce that the Most Reverend Oscar Solis, San Pedro Regional Bishop, will be our special guest of honor that evening." said Jim Young, BLISS Co-Chair. "We are also very thankful for all the Beatitudes families and La Mirada businesses like Gondola Pizza who have contributed their support to help make our event a success."

Learn How to Sketch Landscapes in Whittier Class
Whittier~Artist/instructor Jeanne Lazo will teach plein air sketching and painting techniques starting Thursday, April 7th (City of Whittier's Adult Education Program).
Students will meet 2 days a week-Tuesday mornings outdoors at local parks and Thursday afternoons in the classroom at Parnell Park-for a total of 9 class sessions.
Class fee is $90/22.5 hours of instruction. Contact the City of Whittier at (562) 464-3436, or register online at: www.cityofwhittier.org.

Disney Artist to Provide Free Art Demonstration
La Mirada~Juan "Magoo" Valencia, a fine arts graduate from the University of the Philippines, will demonstrate watercolor landscape painting at the monthly Arts Colony of La Mirada meeting on April 4th from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Mr. Valencia's work is well known; he is a portrait and caricature artist at Disneyland and California Adventure.
The public is invited to attend the free art demonstration at the meeting to be held at the La Mirada Resource Center, 13710 La Mirada Blvd.
For more information, call Madeline Thomas at 562-941-4116 or Paula Newman at 714-994-3535.

Little Known Restaurant Offers Extensive Menu
Mention the La Mirada Blog and receive 10% off your bill!
Buena Park~If you’re like me, you've probably driven past this restaurant a dozen times on Beach Boulevard, but were too mesmerized by all of the towering Knott’s Berry Farm roller coasters to even spot the restaurant!
Many nearby residents haven’t heard of this restaurant, as it is tucked away inside the Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel.
But don’t let that “hotel restaurant vibe” keep you from trying it out! This restaurant is decorated in a classy American theme with sections of the restaurant resembling states; California, Hawaii, and New York, just to name a few. The menu is a mix of California Cuisine with a fusion of Southwest, Asian, and American, all tied in together.
The food consists of comforting classics, and the menu always focuses on seasonal cooking. The head chef, Shannon, is an absolute gem, and has spent six years cooking and creating dishes at Amber Waves. “We love to play," says Shannon. "We love special requests--ask for anything you want!”
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