The Community Services Department will receive $5,870,679 to serve La Mirada’s recreational, leisure, and social needs. The Department enhances the quality of life for La Mirada residents through senior services, youth sports, and community events, aquatics programs, contract classes, facility reservations, gymnasium programs, and social services. Other programs include counseling, youth employment, and home-bound meal delivery for seniors.
The La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts will receive $6,486,347 for productions, presentations, and other activities. Fiscal Year 2017-18 will mark the Theatre’s 40th anniversary. The Theatre is scheduling a special anniversary show for this October (with a special guest) in addition to a season of popular productions and presentations, which are expected to result in strong revenues and cover much of these costs.
The Community Development Department will receive $1,247,588 for planning and building services, and housing programs. With the improving economy, the number of projects reviewed and building permit activity has grown in recent years.
Some $3,686,872 is budgeted for City administration, finance, economic development, personnel, risk management, information technology, and communications. Another $712,632 is budgeted for legislative and policy responsibilities, city attorney services, city clerk’s office, and intergovernmental activities.
The new fiscal year began Saturday, July 1.