The year 2009 brought on the recession and a big challenge for the Council that included Councilmen Steve Jones, Hal Malkin and Pete Dames. Gabe was the ‘new guy on the block’ and learned much about true leadership and the role of involvement in the culture of the community. 2009 also brought on serious budget concerns and fiscal austerity. The Police force contracts, the administrative staff, public works issues were all on the agenda. A lack of revenue forced Contract Cities to be up in arms to make it through.
The State of California must have a balanced budget and therefore many entities such as redevelopment projects became in jeopardy. States were determined to take that money away. With different personalities and perspectives in the mix, it was incumbent on the council to decide in common what was best for La Mirada. Contracting Sheriffs and downsizing were among the choices. There was a 25% reduction in general funds, no city police and fire department. Contracting out would reduce the overhead.
Over time, pension reforms, retirements, reduction in full-time employees, change of benefits, and hiring part time employees, rezoning, and fiscal austerity are but a few of the measures taken to help alleviate the situation.
Right sizing is one of the methods Garcia condones. Full positions have been eliminated following retirements, resignations and the like, and combined duties assigned. Reinventing and combining duties have been the goal of the Council. Fireworks stands have been allowable in the city through the Community Services Foundation as they provided for non-profits in the city.
No one likes taxes. However, such as took place in the School District with the bond measure to improve structures, etc., the needs of the city for infrastructure repairs are of prime importance and taxes were needed to alleviate the situation (Measure I). An example of the benefit is the solution for the flood area in Foster Park. Similar needs are apparent throughout the city such as block walls. Several areas need redoing and, fortunately, additional money will be available as of April 1, 2013 for infrastructure. City manager Tom Robinson has been working to complete that process and will continue until a new City Manager is hired due to his retirement.
Gabe Garcia wishes to continue to be a part of the process in the city. He knows what it takes to do the job to select the best persons for La Mirada.
He is determined to attract and retain businesses in the city.
In concluding, he agrees on fiscal austerity, realignment of priorities in spending, improvement on the safety and quality of life for the community, affordable housing, good planning for regional issues, transportation improvement, and he wishes to continue to be involved in all of these issues.