"We are thrilled at the generosity of The Costume House. This donation will allow us to find a new revenue stream during an economic crisis that has negatively affected so many arts organizations. For the past 13 years, Phantom Projects has introduced hundreds of thousands of new audiences, specifically teens, to the magic of theatre. This gift will allow us to prepare for the next 13 years." commented Cisneros. The group plans to open its own costume rental company in the spring, 2010.
The goal of the new costume company will be to charge far less to local non-profit organizations than many mainstream costumes charge. "Over the years, we have been thankful for the generosity of others. By opening a costume rental company, we can continue to not only fund our own group, but also, hopefully, help slash some budgets for groups that need to rent .Funding for the arts is as low as ever. We should be a partner in the hunt for survival that many theatre groups find themselves in," said Cisneros.
For the past seven years, The Costume House was the exclusive costumer for the Theatre for a Teen Audience series that Phantom Projects produces at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts. When The Costume House creator Kathy Gillespie decided to retire from the business, she made the decision to donate the inventory. "I've seen firsthand, the high-quality Phantom Projects brings to La Mirada Theatre and to teens in Southern California. These costumes are like my children, and I needed to make sure they went to a good home where they would continue to benefit local young people," said Kathy Gillespie about her decision to make the donation.