The team received full support from district officials, including from the Educational Services office-Angela Lenhart (Secretary) and Dr. Albert Clegg (Director K12 Instructional Support Services).
Students and parents were generally pleased to have a “one-stop” event to obtain college education information.
It wasn’t long after the 2 ½ hour affair started, that the team realized the event was a success, and discussions began, to provide a larger venue for next year’s offering.
Rifilato, staring out at the overflowing crowd told us they didn’t know what to expect at the first event, “We didn’t know what kind of turnout we would have, this is so exciting.”
She said the idea makes sense, “This is what we do (the counselors), we communicate with colleges, so let’s have it all in one spot.”
Amaya acknowledged that everyone has different options, but told us the message is about the importance of students continuing their education, “We want our kids going to college. Our motto is: it’s not a dream, it’s a plan.”