Florence Theresa Robertson resident of La Mirada; born September 22, 1925 in Sommerville, Mass. passed away peacefully at the age of 88 on March 26, 2014. God has prepared a room in his mansion for her with all her loved ones and friends who have gone on before. She is preceded in death by her parents: Walter and Florence Crowley, sons: baby twins, Kenneth and Patrick, Dale Robertson, Gary Robertson and daughter-in-law: Frances Price-Robertson. Florence was survived by her beloved children: Robert Dyess, James (Imajean) Robertson, Donna (George) Peterson, and Linda Chappie, daughter-in-law: Cheryl Robertson, grandchildren: Lisa (John) LaBartunek, Robert (Daisy) Peterson, Steve (Sarah) Robertson, Kelly Peterson, Kathryn Robertson, Brian Peterson, Janet Peterson, Diana (Tony) Ramos, Jackie Stephens, Jerry Robertson, April Peterson, Ben Chappie, and 18 great grandchildren. A sister-in-law: Dorothy Lowe, nephew: Rick (Patty) Dinnerville, nieces: Susan Pyle and Sharon Robinson and their families. One of her many accomplishments was the ability to make friends wherever she went; and it was natural for her to treat everyone with equality, respect and kindness. She had a loving soul and was a writer of inspiring poetry. She had many long and lasting friendships with people who loved her, she will be remembered in our hearts always and deeply missed. A memorial service was held April 25th.