Super stone traveled through La Mirada to its new home

Los Angeles~After over 40 years, Michael Heizer’s conception has become a reality.

Terry Semel (co-chair LACMA board), LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, Gabrielle Govan, Mary Heizer (artist's wife), Micahel Govan (museum director), and LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa lead the way to the new exhibit. photo Tony Aiello

After a similar failed attempt in 1969, his Levitated Mass officially opened this past Sunday morning at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Under clear blue skies with warm temperatures, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, and a throng of reporters and admirers, helped welcome the newest monumental outdoor artwork installed at the museum.

The ceremony was open free to the public.

The art exhibit is a 456-long concrete slot, over which sits the 340-ton granite boulder brought to the museum in a well publicized event this past March. As visitors walk through the slot, the pathway descends to fifteen feet in depth, running underneath the giant stone before ascending back up.

This past March, the megalith was transported 108 miles to its new home after being discovered by Heizer at a Jurupa Mountains quarry in Riverside County.

Visitors are dwarfed by Giant Rock. photo Tony Aiello

The giant granite traveled on a specially designed route covering four counties and 22 cities-with La Mirada being one of them.

Director of Development for the museum, Melissa Bomes was very excited to finally see the rock here, “My stomach is fluttering like a butterfly right now,” she said, “We are so excited to have this here, and we really look forward to the metropolitan area coming to visit us for years to come.”

“We hope residents of the cities that participated will take advantage of our special offer.”

As a thank you gesture, the museum is offering free admission through July 1st to residents in communities through which the boulder passed, including La Mirada. Residents must show proof of living in a zip code along the route.

The Rock in La Mirada this past March 5th. photo @hking