Friends of La Mirada Library's Chuck Gee on the left, setting out books to sell as patron Bob Wolf picks out a book for his grandson.

La Mirada~The summer reading program may be wrapping up, but you can always stop by the La Mirada Library and look at the available books and magazines.

The on-going sales table includes children/young adult selections, non-fiction hardcover books, hobbies and cookbooks and the monies received by the Friends of the Library helps to encourage the children’s summer reading program and other programs throughout the year.

Paperbacks cost $.50 each, magazines $.25, children’s hardcover $1.00 and adult hardcover $2.00.

Books are also sold on e-Bay, using their seller name, “lamiradafol4books.”

The fall book sale is scheduled for October 6 at the La Mirada Activity Center.