Robbery-A robbery was reported on the 12700 block of Valley View Ave. The incident is currently under investigation.

Aggravated Assault-An assault was reported on the 13600 block of Duffield Ave. The incident is also currently under investigation.

Residential Burglary-Three residential burglary incidents were reported last week. A burglary was reported on the 15200 block of Vanada Rd. It was determined that no entry was actually made. An incident was reported on the 13400 block of Fontwell Ct. A computer and accessories were stolen from the residence. A burglary was reported on the 14200 block of Whiterock Dr. Various items were taken from the residence.

Vehicle Burglary-Six vehicle burglaries were reported last week. A burglary was reported on the 14300 block of Firestone Blvd. Various electronics were stolen from the vehicle. An incident was reported on the 14300 block of Rosecrans Ave. A car stereo was taken from the vehicle. A third row seat was reported stolen in a vehicle burglary on the 14300 block of Firestone Blvd. A window smash burglary occurred on the 15300 block of Fairhope Dr. A tote bag containing various items was stolen. Two separate vehicle burglaries were reported on the 14300 block of Firestone Blvd. Third row seats, electronics, and cash were taken from the vehicles.

Grand Theft Vehicle-Two vehicle thefts were reported last week. A vehicle was reported stolen from the 11600 block of Hollyview Dr.A vehicle reported stolen from the 14700 block of Los Fuentes Rd. was recovered the next day.