La Mirada~The Planning Commission voted 5-0 on March 19th to approve a conditional use permit to allow a drive-thru to be part of a proposed McDonald's to be built at Imperial Boulevard and Telegraph Road, paving the way for the demolition of the 50-year-old Carriage Coffee Shop.
The City Council will still have to vote on the commissions recommendation.
The Carriage kitchen was destroyed in a strange early-morning fire on December 2nd of last year.
The recently completed traffic study by L.A. County indicates there would be no adverse affect on the roadways by replacing one restaurant with another.
However, at the same time the County has a warrant for a traffic signal to be installed at Telegraph and Wicker Road.
The cost of the traffic signal would be a little over $200,000 and the County is saying McDonald's must pay for approximately $172,000 of that cost, with the city and county picking up the rest of the tab.
McDonald's is currently deciding if they want to pay for their share of the signal and it appears to be the only obstacle holding back the construction of the new restaurant.
Sources have told the La Mirada Blog this should not be a sticking point and McDonald's is committed to moving forward with the project.