La Mirada~Although already expected, La Mirada City Manager Tom Robinson recently announced his plans to retire.

Robinson came to La Mirada in 1985 and worked his way up to Community Services Director.

He became City Manager in 2008 when he replaced Andrea Travis, who resigned, when she clearly wore out her welcome, and was about to be fired.

“When I was selected as City Manager in 2008, the City Council requested that I commit to serving four years in the position,” Robinson said in a prepared statement, “That commitment has been fulfilled.”

Discussions will begin at the December 11th City Council meeting about hiring Robinson, 62, on a part-time basis until a replacement can be found.

“I have enjoyed my years in La Mirada, and appreciate the opportunity to serve as City Manager in such an outstanding community,” wrote Robinson.  “Any achievements I have made would not have been possible without the support of past and present members of the City Council, our dedicated City staff, and the community.”

“After 40 years in local government management, it is time to prepare for life’s next chapter,” he said.  “As I turn the page, however, be assured that I will continue to perform my responsibilities as City Manager with the same commitment as always.”

Sources indicate to us the City will use Robinson in the recruitment process, with pay.

His lifetime annual pension will be $189,227 when he retires.