Are You a Performer or Artist? Applications Being Accepted for Project ‘11 at LM Theatre
La Mirada~ Applications are now available for 2011 Young Artist Project. Interested participants can submit an application online at www.PhantomProjects.com. This is neither a talent show nor a competition, and it is not an event for beginners. This is a fully-staged production written and performed by the participants. Only 10 of the nearly 100 individuals that will apply will be selected. Those selected will have exactly 14 days to completely create, rehearse and prepare their event to be performed as the final production in Phantom Projects Theatre Group's 2010-2011 Season at La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts.
The company is seeking actors, dancers, writers, singers, filmmakers, choreographers, stage mangers, and any other type of performance artist. Each participant must be between the ages of 16-23 and all will be asked to contribute in more than one area over the two-week rehearsal process leading up to the public performance. Applications for the workshop, which will be held at Phantom Projects' La Mirada facility, are currently being reviewed, and are still being accepted. The deadline to apply is July 5, 2011.

Three More Apply for Vacant La Mirada Seat
BREAKING NEWS: Six more, plus the three, file before deadline; see update below
La Mirada~Three more people threw their name in the ring yesterday by applying for a spot on the La MIrada City Council vacated by Susan Tripp when she resigned for business reasons.
This is a rare occurrence in La Mirada, happening only one other time in 1992 when the late Wayne Grisham was elected to Congress and vacated his La Mirada seat; Lou Piltz was then appointed to the panel.
The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. today. As of now, there are seven individuals who have applied with intent. Their occupation listed is public record.
Paul Brown, Deputy State Attorney.
Madeline Alexander, Retired Office Manager.
Edward Eng, Executive Director, Los Angeles County.
Robert Martin, Senior Computer Software Support Manager.
Pauline Deal, Norwalk-La Mirada School Board Member.
Andrew Sarega, Police Officer.
Chris Pflanzer, Owner, Public Relations Firm.
The city council will narrow the field down to three on June 28th. On July 5th council will conduct public interviews with the remaining three. Council will then deliberate and more than likely, will choose a new councilmember on July 19th, but by law, no later than August 16th.
UPDATE 06/22/10 17:15:The deadline has passed, and today six more residents filed applications for the vacant La Mirada seat:
Phillip Glen, Businessman.
John Hammargren, Retired Commander, LA County Sheriff Dept.
John Lewis, Attorney.
Michael Garcia, Deputy Fire Chief, Businessman.
Daniel Alexander, Manager, Research & Development/Senior Food Technologist.
Luis Cruz, Sales.

Students Get Exposure to Real Life Consequences
La Mirada~Fifth grade students at Foster Road Elementary recently conducted a "mock" trial at Norwalk Superior Court as part of the Project L.E.A.D. program (Legal Enrichment And Decision-making).
The program is offered by the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office and teaches students at different schools to recognize the legal and social consequences of gangs, drugs, truancy and other crimes.
Deputy district attorneys, investigators, field deputies, hearing officers, paralegals and law clerks all over LA County devote one hour a week to serve as role models and teach students about the criminal justice system.
For the last five years in n La Mirada, the program has been headed by County Deputy District Attorney Cristine Albanese and Deputy Probation Officer Darryl Harris, both of whom are contracted out by the city as employees, and are based at the La Mirada Sheriff's Station.
They each volunteer one hour a week to the fifth graders and teach a 20-week curriculum covering issues such as school bullying, truancy, shoplifting, decision-making and culminating with the trial at the end of the school year. The "trial" was held in Judge Margaret Bernal's courtroom, with the students filling all the roles in a courtroom, including a jury, with a verdict.
The students also learn about all the different people that work in a courthouse.
During this past school year, the students also went on a behind-the-scenes field trip to Juvenile Hall.
Albanese says that the program teaches the kids,"practical life skills and to make good decisions". She noted that the program is so successful at Foster Road because of the support of the principal, Dr. Jean Maddux, and the City of La Mirada.
Photos: Above, "Judge" Raewyn Groak, student at Foster Road Elementary School, makes a ruling. Left, Prosecutors and Defenders mull over their notes, while the jury and Teacher Kim Clarkson look on.

Applications Available for Council Vacancy
Applications are being accepted from residents who are interested in applying for a City Council seat being vacated by Susan Tripp, who submitted her resignation effective June 17.
The deadline to submit applications is 5 p.m. on June 22.
Applicants are required to be U.S. citizens, at least 18 years of age, be a registered voter and a resident of La Mirada.
Application forms are available at City Hall and may be downloaded here. Applicants are required to submit a written statement detailing their qualifying background and experience.
The City Council cited concerns with the cost of holding a Special Election, as well as the lengthy delay in returning the City Council to its full complement of five members, as reasons for choosing to appoint a new Councilmember to fill the term which expires in 2013.
Councilmember Tripp, who was elected to City Council in 2001, resigned to dedicate more time on a new business venture that requires her to spend significant time away from La Mirada. Her final City Council meeting will be on June 14.
For additional information, contact the City Clerk's Office at (562) 943-0131.

Become a World Record Breaker at Splash! La Mirada
La Mirada~All community members are invited to participate in breaking the World Record during the World's Largest Swimming Lesson at Splash! on June 14 at 8 a.m. Splash! is joining forces with Water parks and pools from around the world to help break the record and promote Water Safety.
For more information visit the Splash! website at www.splashlamirada.com, or call (562) 902-3191.

Photographers Encouraged to Participate in Summer Photo Contest
La Mirada~Professional and amateur photographers of all ages are eligible enter the City of La Mirada's Summer 2011 Photo Contest. All pictures must be taken within La Mirada city limits. Contestants must fill out an entry form and waiver and may submit up to three photos that highlight everyday life in La Mirada.
Photographs will be accepted in black and white or color, and can be no smaller than 4x6 and no larger than 8x10.
Winning pictures may be selected for use in City publications, and the top photographers will be recognized at a future City Council Meeting.
Entry forms are available at City facilities or online at www.cityoflamirada.org. The deadline for entering photos for is July 30.
For more information, call the City of La Mirada at (562) 943-0131

THEATRE REVIEW: ‘The Marvelous Wonderettes’
We welcome Stephanie Garcia to the La Mirada Blog team to provide the community with theatre news and reviews.
The Marvelous Wonderettes is not worth seeing once - it's worth seeing twice! Once to enjoy each one of the remarkable comedic actor- vocalists and a second time to laugh at all the understated antics all four of them do that provide the hilarity of the show. Written and directed by Roger Bean, "Wonderettes" is overall a playlist of hit pop songs of the 1950s and 60s with a surprise second half full of early 70s songs. As I watched the show I wondered if the songs were actually bringing back memories for all the "baby boomers" in the audience. Council member Larry Mowles definitely thought the show was a complete success, when I asked him what he thought of the play. "It brought back a lot of memories, I danced to most of that music I knew girls in high school just like those four...they did an excellent job portraying the 50s and 60s."

Academy at Benton Presents Seuss
La Mirada~The community is invited to the Benton Middle School Visual & Performing Arts Academy's presentation of Seussical the Musical.
Performances will be June 10th at 9 p.m. and June 11th at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Price of admission is $8 for the 7 p.m. shows and $5 for the 5 p.m. show.
For more information call 562-943-1553.

La Mirada City Council Will Appoint New Member
Qualified La Mirada Residents May Apply
La Mirada~In a very short time, the La Mirada City Council has become a group of seasoned veterans to one that resembles a rookie league team.
Last night, in response to the recent resignation of Susan Tripp, a special council study session was held at city hall to determine whether the city should hold a special election in November or appoint a new council member, to take office next month in July.
Tripp's last council meeting will be June 14th, with her resignation effective June 17th.
State law requires the city to either fill the vacancy, or call for an election, within 60 days from the commencement of the vacancy.
Councilman Gabe Garcia said, "I'm not in favor of an election. It makes no sense. That's why we get elected-to make these decisions. There are plenty of good people in the community to choose from."
Councilman Steve DeRuse agreed, "I think it's the best thing for the city."
City Clerk Anne Haraksin was asked by Councilman Larry Mowles what a special election would cost the city. She said the cost of the last election in La Mirada "was around $90,000" but indicated that was a stand-alone election in March, not part of a general November election-so the cost could fluctuate.

Latest Cabaret at Theatre Features Classic Country Music
La Mirada~La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts & Upright Cabaret are thrilled to announce the performers for its fourth show of their season, COWBOYS & ANGELS-starring Tony Award-nominee and T.V. star VALARIE PETTIFORD (Film: "Jumping The Broom," TV: UPN's "Half & Half," "Criminal Minds," Broadway: Fosse, Chicago), KARISSA NOEL and DANIEL TATAR (Life Could Be A Dream, 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee).
They will be performing the music of Patsy Cline, Garth Brooks and Loretta Lynn, with such memorable songs as "Crazy," "I Fall To Pieces," "Friends In Low Places," "If Tomorrow Never Comes," "Coal Miner's Daughter," and more - as well as their own selections, under the musical direction of Gerald Sternbach, in a one night only concert - COWBOYS AND ANGELS which will perform on Sunday, June 5, 2011 at 7:30PM at the NEW Cabaret Lounge at La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts, 14900 La Mirada Blvd. in La Mirada.
Ticket prices for Upright Cabaret Single Shows: $45 (VIP)/ $35 / $25 / $15
Tickets to this extraordinary show are now available by calling the Box Office at 562-944-9801 or 714-994-6310 or online at www.lamiradatheatre.com.
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