Tony Award-Winner Opens at La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts
“It’s deliciously, deliriously innocent. Pure pleasure!” – NY Times
La Mirada~La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts & McCoy Rigby Entertainment are thrilled to present the Tony Award-winning (2008 Best Play Revival), hilarious, sexy, non-stop comedy, Boeing-Boeing, written by Marc Camoletti, translated by Beverley Cross & Francis Evans and directed by Jeff Maynard.
In this Tony Award-winning comedy, a self-styled playboy, Bernard, (played by Carter Roy), has French, German, and American fiancées, each a beautiful airline hostess with frequent “layovers.” He keeps "one up, one down and one pending" until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Bernard's apartment in Paris, France all at the same time which leads to unexpected and very funny escapades.
Boeing also stars Michelle Azar, Melanie Lora, Kalie Quinones, Amy Rutberg and Marc Valera.
Boeing-Boeing will begin performances on Friday, January 18, 2013 and runs for four weeks through Sunday, February 10.
Performances will be 7:30pm on Wednesdays & Thursdays; 8pm on Fridays; 2pm and 8pm on Saturdays; and 2pm on Sundays.
There will be no matinee performance on Saturday, January 19th and talkbacks with the actors will be on Wednesday, January 23 and Wednesday, February 6.
Tickets range from $20 - $70 and can be purchased at La Mirada Theatre’s website, www.lamiradatheatre.com or by calling the La Mirada Theatre Box Office at (562) 944-9801 or (714) 994-6310. Student, Senior, Children and group discounts are available.
La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts is located at 14900 La Mirada Boulevard in La Mirada, near the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue where the 91 and 5 freeways meet. Parking is free.

La Mirada Mayor Gabe Garcia Arrested for Reported DUI
Mayor crashes vehicle into parked car on Tacuba Drive
La Mirada~Hews Media Group is reporting that La Mirada Mayor Gabe Garcia was arrested last night, reportedly on suspicion of driving under the influence.
According to the La Mirada Lamplighter and the Los Cerritos Community Newspaper, Garcia struck a parked vehicle while driving his car along the 14700 block of Tacuba Drive near Biola Avenue around 10:30 last night, said Captain Pat Maxwell of the Norwalk Sheriff's Station.
La Mirada Lieutenant Pat Valdez told the La Mirada Blog that the Mayor received no special treatment and was booked by standard protocol, "The fact that he is a city councilman absolutely had no affect on how he was treated. He was treated no differently than anyone else."
Valdez said Garcia was held for eight hours was then released around 5:30 this morning, and was issued a citation for drunk driving.
Garcia more than likely will face a court appearance in the future, but we have no information on the court date at this time.
There were no other persons or moving vehicles involved.
The Mayor is seeking re-election for a second term as a La Mirada City Councilman on March 5th.
We will provide additional information as it becomes available.

Support A Great Program in La Mirada; Attend Annual LM Meals-on-Wheels Spaghetti Dinner
La Mirada~The annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Meals On Wheels La Mirada is scheduled for Friday, January 18, 2013 at the La Mirada Activity Center, 13810 La Mirada Blvd.
The event is scheduled to be held from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the MOW Office by calling 562-943-0037. The cost of the tickets is $8.00 for adults and $3 for children 6 to 12. Children under six are free.
The dinner will include spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread and salad. Soft drinks and water will be available for sale and desserts will be provided by La Mirada Ebell Club for a nominal donation.
Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be Tony Aiello, Editor of the La Mirada Blog.
Two raffles will be held; one 50/50 Raffle for cash and another Raffle for great prizes! Entertainment will also be provided.
The Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of La Mirada. All money raised will go to help Meals on Wheels to continue providing hot, nutritious meals to the elderly and disabled members of our community throughout the year.

Scouts to Race at Pinewood Derby
La Mirada~More than 40 Cub Scouts in Pack 919 will be participating at the Pinewood Derby event Saturday, January 19th beginning at 11:00 a.m. at Community Presbyterian Church in La Mirada.
This annual event is the highlight of the scouting year when the Cub Scouts demonstrate craftsmanship and sportsmanship through friendly competition as they race personally crafted cars on an aluminum track.
Scouts work with their parent’s weeks before race day, collaborating on the design and construction of their cars. Even siblings and parents are encouraged to participate in a race of their own. “Parents and scouts take this race very seriously and it shows with the end product,” said Moses Covarrubias, Pack 919 Cub Master. “In my six years of Cub Scouting, I’ve seen some spectacular vehicles!”
The Pinewood Derby is open to the public for this fun-filled day and seeing the scout’s race car masterpieces in action.
Pack 919 is a Cub Scout unit chartered through Community Presbyterian Church La Mirada assigned to the Los Angeles Area Council serving areas of La Mirada, Whittier, La Habra, Buena Park and surrounding cities. Cub Scout Pack 919 La Mirada has been serving the community for almost 50 years. Boys in first through fifth grade can join Pack 919 anytime. Den and Pack meetings are held September through May with additional fun events throughout summer. For more information on Pack 919 La Mirada, contact Moses Covarrubias at pack919info@pack919.org or visit their website at www.pack919.org.
Scouting has had more than 100 million members since its inception in 1910. Cub Scouts is a year-round family- and home-centered program that develops ethical decision making skills for boys in the first through fifth grade (or who are 6 – 11 years old). Activities emphasize character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness.

La Mirada Symphony Offers Free Concert
The La Mirada Symphony will present a “Celebration of Dance” concert January 12, 2013 8 pm at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts.
Music Director Robert Frelly of Chapman University will conduct selections including “The Emperor Waltz” by Johann Strauss II, “Slavonic Dance” by Antonin Dvorak, and the “Three Cornered Hat” by Manuel de Falla.
Admission and parking is free. Donations are encouraged. The La Mirada Theatre is located at 14900 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada. For more information visit LaMiradaSymphony.com.

Contestants to Compete for the Crown of Mr. La Mirada
Ten Students to Battle for Scholarship Funding
La Mirada~Presented by the Girls League Club of La Mirada High School, the community is invited to the 2nd annual Mr. La Mirada pageant to be held Saturday, January 12th on the school campus from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Ten nominated male seniors will compete for the crown of Mr. La Mirada, based on their personalities, talent, fashion and more.
First-place prize is $200 in scholarship money, with second and third place receiving $100.
Three judges will decide the winner. Scheduled judges to appear are La Mayor Mayor Gabe Garcia, La Mirada Blog Editor Tony Aiello, and the La Mirada Fire Station 49 Battalion Chief Douglas.
Tickets are $5 with an ASB card, $8 without, with tickets being sold the night of the event for $8.

EXCLUSIVE: Standard Protocol for Career Politicians; Wendy Greuelâs Official Calendar Shows Years of Campaigning for LA Mayor on Taxpayerâs Dollar
(Copyright Los Cerritos Community Newspaper, La Mirada Lamplighter, La Mirada Blog. All Rights Reserved. Republishing Granted With Proper Attribution)
Cerritos~A six month investigation by Los Cerritos Community Newspaper (LCCN) into the official activities of Los Angeles City Controller Wendy Greuel has shown that, in possible violation of the Los Angeles Governmental Ethics Commission Ordinance, she has spent an overwhelming majority of her official schedule for the past three years attending lavish dinners, lunches, breakfasts, and social events in an effort to advance her 2013 mayoral campaign.
Greuel is in a heated four-way campaign for Mayor of Los Angeles in the upcoming March 5th Primary Election against fellow city councilmembers Eric Garcetti, Jan Perry, and former Federal Prosecutor Kevin James.
LCCN released more than 640 pages of Greuel’s “official city appointment calendar” that was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Those FOIA requests went unanswered for more than five months by Greuel and her office.
“We had received tips from inside her office that Gruel was campaigning on county time, so LCCN requested copies of her 2009-2012 daily calendar,” Hews said. “LCCN was able to conquer a bureaucratic maze created by the Controller’s Office that included being told more than 15 times that our request was being “gathered” by personnel in her office.”
“The process to obtain the records was extremely arduous and involved. As a public official, whose calendar is open to the public, I expected this process to be simple, and for city staff to be helpful rather than adversarial toward releasing information about a public employee, especially to a community newspaper,” Hews said. “This treatment certainly raised some red flags.”
According to the California Public Records Act (PRA) [GOVT. CODE 6250 - 6276.48] the responding agency of the government must fulfill the request for public records within approximately 24 days. Further extensions can be requested but should not go longer than three months.
“But in this case it took the Controller’s office six months and several phone calls to provide LCCN with Greuel’s calendar. That being said, whether or not the controller’s office is in compliance with the California Public Records Act is definitely a big question,” Hews said.

Vehicle Burglaries Lead LM Crimes; La Mirada Weekly Crime Report 12/10/12-12/16/12
Aggravated Assault -A fight was reported near Duffield Ave. and Ratliffe St. A male at the location was assaulted by two unknown males.
Vehicle Burglary-Six vehicle burglaries were reported last week. A window smash burglary to a semi-truck was reported on the 16800 block of Trojan Way. It is unknown if items were taken. Cash and school supplies were reported stolen from a vehicle on the 13700 block of Biola Ave. Two window smash burglaries were reported on the 14300 block of Firestone Blvd. A laptop and other items were stolen from one vehicle. A leather bag stolen from another vehicle was recovered nearby. A burglary was reported on the 16100 block of Rosecrans Ave. Identification and miscellaneous clothing were stolen from the vehicle. A burglary also occurred on the 15500 block of La Mirada Blvd.
Other Structure Burglary-A burglary to a business occurred on the 15700 block of Imperial Hwy. Cartons of cigarettes and electronics were stolen.
Grand Theft -Steel shelving was reported stolen from a business on the 14700 block of Artesia Blvd. A grand theft was reported on the 14200 block of Firestone Blvd. The incident is currently under investigation.
Grand Theft Vehicle-A utility trailer was reported stolen from a business on the 14700 block of Artesia Blvd.

La Mirada Blog Calms Community as News Agencies Trip Over Themselves
La Mirada Blog First to Report Situation at La Mirada High; Uses Social Media to Reassure Parents
La Mirada~Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies help secure La Mirada High School Friday morning after an unspecified threat was made against the school according to the Norwalk Sheriff's Station.
Captain Pat Maxwell said they were dealing with unsubstantiated rumors only, "At this point of the investigation, there is no specific information that the threat is credible, or to identify the source or wording of the alleged threat. It appears to be spoken concerns only," he said in a press release issued by the Sheriff's Department about 8:20 a.m. Friday morning, about ten minutes after the first La Mirada Blog followers were already tweeting us letting us know that there was some kind of police activity at the school.
At 8:10 a.m. follower @MaryRandall8 tweeted, "Anyone know what is going on at La Mirada High? LOTS of police activity." Eight minutes later and two minutes before the sheriff press release follower @MimsyYamaguchi reported, "My son said there were threats at La Mirada High, so there's an increased sheriff presence on campus and the park,"
Yesterday was the last day of school for students before beginning winter break and sheriff's deputies continue to work closely with school officials to ensure the safety of the students on the heels of the events in Connecticut last week, and to help deal with the ramifications of the tragedy that has affected many schools across the nation.
Deputies on the La Mirada campus yesterday encouraged students to ask questions and/or comment on what was, or is, on their mind in regards to school safety.
Officials from schools continue to grapple with numerous threats and the copycat syndrome that seems to follow in such tragedies. Earlier in the day deputies entered the Diamond Ranch High School campus in Pomona after two telephone threats that morning against the school. A similar security alert also occurred at South Pasadena High earlier in the day.
Shortly after the sheriff press release, at 8:37 a.m., the La Mirada Blog informed its readers of the situation by linking to the sheriff press release on its Twitter feed. With over 1000 followers in the La Mirada area, the service allows for messages to get out into the community almost immediately.
Within that same hour hour we already had parents tweeting us, on-scene at the school, letting us know that everything was under control, messages we were able to relay to followers. At 9:20 a.m. LM Blog fan @Crab_Apel tweeted "only a few police units out front. Things seem to be normal at the school. Nothing serious." Again, a message we were able to get out into the community almost immediately.
La Mirada student @LeviFrafjord tweeted, "every where I looked I saw a cop."
Throughout the day, news stations continued to blast the "breaking story" of the "police presence" at La Mirada High, giving the impression something was wrong, even though most in the La Mirada community already knew there was no story, as early as 9:30 a.m. they knew, thanks to our Twitter feed.
La Mirada Blog fan @ipadsforautism tweeted, "Numerous High Schools in the area had similar events this week, everyone is understandably jumpy given recent events."
Even into the early evening the news stations led with the "big story" at La Mirada High, but most parents in La Mirada already knew, since early in the morning, there was no story.

Kick off the New Year by Plunging Down the Waterslides at Splash! Buccaneer Bay Waterpark
La Mirada~Join the crowd for the 5th Annual Polar Bear Plunge on New Year’s Day at Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center.
The event will be held at the Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center on Tuesday, January 1, from 2 to 4 p.m. Adventurers will receive a photo of the plunge, hot chocolate, and admission to recreational swimming in the heated 25-yard pool from noon to 5 p.m. This exciting adventure is offered for $5 and free to 2013 season passholders. 2013 Buccaneer Bay Season passes are available at a special holiday price of $49 and include a free Splash! Holiday Bear.
Those not interested in plunging into the chilly pool are invited to swim in the heated 25-meter pool from noon to 5 p.m. The cost is $3 for adults and $2 for children. Free parking and complimentary use of lifejackets are always offered. Hot cocoa, coffee, and mochas will be available for purchase.
Splash! is located at 13806 La Mirada Boulevard, La Mirada, CA 90638. For more information call Splash! at (562) 902-3191 or visit www.splashlamirada.com.
Give the gift of fun and adventure with a 2013 Splash! Buccaneer Bay Waterpark season pass
For a limited time season passes are on sale for just $49. Receive a
free holiday Splash! Bear with each purchase. Pass holders receive a
number of special offers including free admission to the 5th annual Polar Bear Plunge on New Year’s Day.
The Splash! Buccaneer Bay Waterpark offers families a fun-filled day
with 3 two story waterslides, a zero depth play structure for the little
ones, a lazy river, warm water spa, and ample room to play and enjoy
time with friends and family. Splash! is the family-friendly waterpark
your family will want to return to time and time again.
Splash! also offers year-round swim lessons for all ages in the
heated 25-yard pool, your Buccaneer Bay season pass includes special
coupons for swim lessons. Free parking and complimentary use of
lifejackets are always offered.
Splash! is located at 13806 La Mirada Boulevard, La Mirada, CA 90638. For more information call Splash! at (562) 902-3191 or visit www.splashlamirada.com.
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