Easter Events This Saturday in La Mirada
La Mirada~The Easter Event will be held Saturday, April 7 from 9 to 11 a.m. at La Mirada Regional Park.
Bring your family and enjoy games, crafts, music, balloon artists, bounce houses, a petting zoo, and an Easter egg hunt. Special photos with the Easter Bunny will be available for a nominal fee.
The Easter Egg Hunt for children ages 10 and under will begin promptly at 10:15 a.m. Participants should arrive at their designated sections 15 minutes prior to the event.
Children and parents can enjoy a pancake breakfast provide by the Kiwanis Club of La Mirada for a nominal fee.beginning at 9 a.m.
Then, at 11 a.m., The Kiwanis Club of La Mirada will be the host for the 5th annual "Going Quackers For Kids" rubber duck race at Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center.
Anyone can adopt a duck for $5 and win up to $2500-and a variety of other cash prizes and merchandise. This fun-filled family event serves as a fundraiser for La Mirada Kiwanis and other non-profit organizations in the La Mirada area who participate as selling groups.
Come out and see your friends and neighbors at Splash!
For more information, call the Community Services at (562) 943-7277

Disney Purchases La Mirada Regional Park
La Mirada~Walt Disney Co. officials announced today that they have purchased La Mirada Regional Park in La Mirada.
City Hall was flooded with calls earlier, so we were unable to get confirmation from city officials, however, while on hold, “It’s a Small World” played in the background.
Later, reached by telephone, City Manager Jeff Boynton confirmed the deal, “We are excited to have Disney aboard. Even though Regional is a county park, we have ensured this deal will benefit us. For one, the pirate statue at the entrance of Splash! will be replaced by one of Mickey Mouse.”
Plans have already been approved for the park to be converted to a Disneyland spinoff-a smaller, more affordable amusement park.
When asked about the parking concerns for adjacent residential neighborhoods, Boynton said, “We will worry about that later.”
Disney officials have refused to comment, instead waiting for the press conference to be held by Donald Duck at the La Mirada Kiwanis Duck Race Saturday at Splash!

3rd Annual Visual and Performing Arts Show
Visual and Performing Arts Academy at LMHS Continues to Provide Students Opportunities; Event Moved to La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts This Year
La Mirada~While the arts continue to diminish in neighboring schools and districts, the visual and performing arts at La Mirada High School are achieving and growing at record levels.
In the Spring of 2009, La Mirada High School acquired a limited state grant to officially establish the Visual and Performing Arts Academy. The purpose of this academy is to preparestudents for a career pathway in the areas of art, dance, music, or theatre and to foster these talents to make a difference in the community and our world. In the first year of the program, a new dance studio and dance program was created with grant funds and funding from the Lucerne Art of Dairy Cow Contest.
A guitar program was started, and the first annual VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) Extravaganza was held. This event was the first showcase of its kind to present the best of students' art, dance, music, and theatre combined in one fabulous evening. It was held in the gym, free of charge with an attendance of over 350 people. It was the highlight of the year for students in the Academy and the arts, as they performed and exhibited their talents and also shared in the achievements of their peers. Since one goal of the VAPA Academy is to prepare students to enter the fields of Media Arts and Entertainment as professionals, it seemed logical to move the VAPA Extravaganza from the gym to the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts the following year.

Garcia Takes Over the Helm as Mayor of La Mirada
La Mirada's First Family
From the La Mirada Lamplighter Newspaper!
La Mirada~Gabe Garcia took over tonight as mayor of La Mirada replacing outgoing mayor Steve Jones after one year.
Garcia was joined by many family, friends and others, to congratulate and wish him well.
Garcia was elected to the city council in March 2009. Previously, he was elected to the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District's Board of Education for three consecutive terms from 1993-2005.
Garcia becomes the first Latino mayor in the city's 52-year history.
In La Mirada, mayor's serve one-year terms on a rotating basis, with council members basically, taking "turns" as mayor. So, the evening was mostly a ceremonial, nominating and voting process, with Garcia beginning his first stint at the helm.
Officially, the vote was 5-0.
Councilman Steve DeRuse was voted in as mayor pro tem.
Norwalk-La Mirada School Board of Education President, Darryl Adams presented a certificate of recognition to outgoing Mayor Steve Jones, thanking him for his contributions to the school district and the community saying, "You have been an exemplary model of what a leader is all about-leading with consistency."
Captain Pat Maxwell of the Norwalk Sheriff's Station also thanked Jones for his support on behalf of all the men and women at the station, and presented him with a $250 check for the charity of his choice. Jones said he would donate the money to the California School Project organization.
After the meeting, we asked Garcia if he has any priorities for his first term as mayor.
"First, the fiscal health of the city, second, would be the strategies in dealing with the loss of redevelopment, and attracting new businesses to our shopping centers with new incentives," he said.

Another “Original” Resident Bolts La Mirada for Wisconsin
La Mir
She and her husband Bill, who died in 1997, are the original owners of her home on Los Fuentes Road.
Dozens of friends stopped by the home of Jack and Nancy Jenkins, their next door neighbors, who hosted the gathering. They have lived next door since 1956-moving in shortly after the Floud's. Many years ago, they had a gate constructed that connects their adjacent homes through the back yard wall, which they still utilize today.
In 1953, Andrew McNally's famous olive-producing La Mirada land was sold to subdivision developers for 5.2 million dollars, one of the largest real estate transactions in California at the time. From 1953-1960 La Mirada had grown from a mere 100 homes to over 8,000. By 1960, the city was incorporated.
Today, there are still nearly a dozen original owners or "settlers" on Los Fuentes, many who stopped by for the party. Many of them have been the only occupants in their La Mirada homes since they were built in 1955-and most are still here.
Now, there is one less.
The Floud home will go up for sale, as Audrey is moving to Wisconsin to live with her daughter and son-in-law, Michele and Mark Johnson, and their family, where they run a RV Campground Resort.
We asked the high-spirited 91-year old how she and her husband ended up in La Mirada.
"Back then, my husband and I both worked at the LA County Hospital on State Street in Los Angeles."
She was a nurse and he was an ambulance driver.

La Mirada Crime Report March 12-18-2012
An attempted carjacking occurred on the 14300 block of San Cristobal Dr. The victim knew the suspect. The suspect was taken into custody by the Buena Park Police Department.
Residential Burglary
Three burglaries and one attempted burglary were reported last week. A burglary was reported on the 14900 block of Barnwall St. An unknown suspect kicked in a side door to gain entry. Jewelry and coins were stolen from the home. An incident occurred on the 13100 block of Los Alisos St. A sliding glass door was shattered. Jewelry and a purse were taken.A burglary was also reported on the 14700 block of Figueras Rd. A laptop computer and coins were taken. An attempted burglary occurred on the 15200 block of Cheshire St.
Vehicle Burglary
Four burglaries were reported last week. A trailer was broken into on the 16000 block of Canary Ave. A third row seat and various items were stolen from a vehicle on the 14300 block of Firestone Blvd. A window smash burglary occurred on the 13300 block of Beach Blvd. A purse and camera bag were stolen from the vehicle. An incident was reported on the 15200 block of Vanada Rd.
Grand Theft
A grand theft was reported on the 16000 block of Heron Ave. The incident is currently under investigation.
Grand Theft Vehicle
Two vehicle thefts were reported last week. A vehicle was stolen from the 14300 block of Firestone Blvd. An older model Honda was stolen from the 16100 block of Rosecrans Ave. The vehicle was recovered days later by the Buena Park Police Department. Deputies recovered a vehicle stolen from the City of Orange on the 14200 block of Ramhurst Dr.
La Mirada Baseball Begins League Play With Big Win

La Mirada~The La Mirada high school baseball team began its defense of the Suburban League title yesterday by beating the Bellflower Bucaneers 7-0, behind a strong pitching performance from Ali Anthony and assists from a shaky Bucaneers defense.
La Mirada shared the title with Mayfair last season, with both teams finishing 10-2. The Matadores have won 12 of the last 13 league crowns.
As in recent years, the Matadores this season have battled a tough pre-league schedule, so they entered league play with a losing record.
After getting out of a couple of jams early, Anthony settled down and pitched a complete-game shutout. He gave up just 3 hits, allowed three walks, and had four strikeouts-two looking. He also hit two batters.
Anthony also starred at the plate going 3-4 and driving in 2 runs.
The game got off to a precarious start when Anthony gave up a leadoff single to Brandon Polizzi in the first inning. A stolen base and fielder's choice followed, and the Bucs had a runner on third with one man out. Then, Bellflower's Victor Zepeda hit a sharp ground ball to La Mirada shortstop Austin Rojo who recorded the out with a nice play of knocking down the ball and holding the runner. Ali struck out the next batter to end the inning.
In the third inning, Ali this time gave up a leadoff triple, again to Polizzi. He responded by retiring three straight batters, one on a called third strike. In the bottom of the frame, Ali drove in a run with a single, and the Mats went up 2-0 after scoring in the previous inning.

La Mirada Garage Band Rockers From the 70’s Still Making Noise; Musician From La Mirada Opens For His Favorite Band

Profile of one of the Many Musicians from the La Mirada Garage Bands of the 1970's
La Mirada~The culture shock and tumulus times of the 1960's and 70's in our Nation, brought with it the rise and influence of rock and roll music in our society. Back then, garage bands were seemingly everywhere in La Mirada. Many of these performers, once kids growing up in La Mirada, now perform today as adults, mostly for the love of it. This is the story of one of those people:
When someone fulfills one of their lifelong dreams, it can't help but a put a smile on your face.
That's exactly what musician Don Brennan did this past February 24th, when he opened for his all-time favorite band America at The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano.
"It was a dream come true, a huge thrill," said Brennan, in a recent phone interview with the La Mirada Blog.
Don Brennan was born and raised in La Mirada with his siblings Billy, Tom, Don, Edward and Jane. His parents, watched the progress of their home being built on Rio Blanco Drive in 1955, and they still live there today.
Brennan reflected on being raised in La Mirada, "As a kid, I didn't know any different at the time, but looking back, growing up in La Mirada was just great. Back then it was a new suburban community, but still had rural areas and wide-open spaces. It was the perfect balance of family homes, parks, family run businesses, and open fields to play in."
"The La Mirada Mall was great and is where I met my wife of almost 29 years now. I have so many good memories of La Mirada, like going on Saturdays to see the latest beach movie at the "Walk-In" as we called the theater back then. Also, we loved riding bikes to the La Mirada Bowling Alley, passing the construction site and anxiously awaiting for that new Love's Restaurant to open, the smell of the "Karmel Korn", watching Marlo Thomas light The Angel Tree, Engineer Bill at the Market Basket, and playing in Regional Park before it was a park," he recalls.
He attended St. Paul of the Cross Catholic School for first through eighth grades, and, in 1970 attended Neff High School, graduating in 1974, "Going to Neff from St. Paul was definitely a culture shock," he said.
He was saddened when Neff was shuttered in 1981 and ultimately demolished, "I rode my moped over and grabbed a brick of what was the left of the administration office. I still have it around here somewhere," he said from his home.
Today, Don lives in Chino with his wife Pam-they met at the old Woolco department store in La Mirada.

St. Paul of the Cross to Raffle a Honda “Fit”

La Mirada~On March 24 and 25, St. Paul of the Cross Parish will initiate its ‘Win a Car Campaign” to benefit the needs of the Church and School.
For over 50 years the St. Paul of the Cross school and church have served the spiritual needs of the Catholic residents from La Mirada and, according to the parish advisory boards, the Church and School are seeking the support of its community members and friends to continue to fulfill its mission.
Following each mass on Saturday and Sunday, March 24 and 25, the Honda “FIT” car will be displayed. Opportunity tickets will be $20 each and, for this weekend only, purchase 5 and get one free!
Tickets will be available from the parish center and school and following all weekend masses with the drawing to be held on October 14, 2012 at the annual Parish Fiesta.
Call (562) 921-2914 or visit splamir@msn.com for more information.

UPDATED: Assault on Police Officer Sparks Short Pursuit
La Mirada~A La Mirada man led authorities on a brief pursuit through Buena Park and La Mirada last evening, ultimately crashing his car and being taken into custody.
The crash occurred on Stage Road about 7 p.m. just west of Biola Avenue, and shut down the road for approximately two hours as officials investigated.
Jeremy Cass, 25, of La Mirada was booked at the Buena Park Police Department for striking a police officer with his vehicle-a felony.
Lt. Gary Worrall of the Buena Park PD told the La Mirada Blog, "A motor officer noticed a small truck being driven erratically in the area of Beach Blvd and Artesia. When the officer attempted to make contact with the driver, he rammed the officer with his vehicle, striking him twice. A pursuit then ensued through the north end of Buena Park and portions of La Mirada. He is being held for assaulting a police officer."
The pursuit lasted about ten minutes, with the vehicle crashing on Stage.
The Biola Chimes is reporting Cass stole the vehicle from his girlfriend earlier and that also a technique to end the pursuit was executed by the Buena Park PD.
Lt. Rivera of the Norwalk Sheriff's Station said the vehicle was not officially reported as stolen. He said La Mirada units were involved once the pursuit entered the city limits.
Rivera said, "We have arrested this individual in the past. Also, the Whittier Police Department had some "activity" with him earlier in the day regarding a family disturbance."
Update: According to records, it appears Cass was sentenced to 180 days in jail on November 17, 2011 at Downey Municipal Court for an unknown felony charge. It appears he served apporoximately 110 days and was released last month on February 12th. He currently remains housed in the Central Mens Jail without bail, awaiting his arraignment Wednesday March 15th in Santa Ana.
Photo: Buena Park and La Mirada police personnel at the scene of the crash moments after it occurred.
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