For some people the idea of a choosing “safe” sunscreen may be new. At least it was for me. I mean, how can a sunscreen be unsafe if it is meant to protect you from the suns rays? Well, a sunscreen is unsafe when ingredients in the sunscreen may be toxic when entering your bloodstream or when inhaled. There has also been some controversy that some ingredients in sunscreen may be carcinogenic.
What!?! That’s terrible right?!? It is said that we come into contact with 700,000 toxic chemicals on a daily basis. Knowing that, I like to choose a natural alternative whenever possible.
I am thankful that my mother-in-law had suggested Badger brand sunscreen because it fueled my curiosity. Looking at this tube of sunscreen I began to pick apart everything that it claimed to be and not to be.
When I finished my research, I found that the safest, most effective sunscreen to use was a broad-spectrum, chemical free (natural), non-nano, zinc oxide or titanium dioxide (second best to zinc) sunscreen. So it turns out that I agree with my mother-in-law’s choice in sunscreen.
You can find a list of 30 of the safest sunscreens and three to avoid here. All sunscreens are definitely not created equal.
Understanding the Sun
UVA Rays- Cause skin aging (wrinkles and hyper-pigmentation)
UVB Rays- Lead to burns. These rays also cause basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Although it is important to note that both types of rays may be carcinogens.
Optimal Tanning Time- 10am-2pm is the time of day in which the suns rays (both UVA and UVB rays) are the strongest.
I found a really informative article in Parents magazine that was written by Wendy Sue Swanson MD Pediatrician and skin-cancer survivor.
What to Look For When Reading a Sunscreen Label
Broad Spectrum-this sunscreen blocks both UVA and UVB rays.
Non-Nano-A sunscreen marked as non-nano is claiming that their sunscreen does not contain nanoparticles. A nanoparticle is a piece of material so small that it must be measured in nanometers (one nanometer equals one-billionth of a meter). Basically, nanoparticles are so small that they can be absorbed into our bodies and may be toxic to us. That’s no bueno. Nanoparticles should be avoided whenever possible and using a sunscreen that is marked non-nano is a good idea. You can read more about non-nano sunscreen here.
Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide- These are both mineral-based ingredients and they sit on top of the skin rather than being absorbed into the skin. Zinc (ZnO) nanoparticles breakdown into zinc and oxygen, which if absorbed the body can handle. Our body does not breakdown Titanium dioxide.
100% Natural- Indicates it is free of harsh chemicals. Reading the ingredient list on this type of sunscreen should not overwhelm. You will most likely recognize them most if not all of the ingredients.
Water Resistant-This sunscreen is able to resist water to some degree but not entirely. It is very important that you reapply your sunscreen every 40 minutes to an hour. Apply more frequently if you are sweating or are enjoying the water.
SPF (Sun Protection Factor)- Use a sunscreen with at least an SPF of 30. It is also important to remember that just because the SPF may be higher it does not mean that you are protected for a longer period of time. So reapply.
DIY After-Sun Soothing Spray
Sense I am a doTERRA Wellness Advocate I love to use essential oils as natural alternative whenever possible. You can make your own natural sunscreens and After-Sun sprays using essential oils. I especially enjoy the After-Sun Soothing Spray. Here is the recipe:
16oz glass spray bottle
1-cup aloe vera juice
¼ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil
1 teaspoon vitamin E
8 drops doTERRA Lavender essential oil
8 drops doTERRA Melaleuca essential oil
8 drops doTERRA Peppermint essential oil
Combine all ingredients in the glass spray bottle. Shake to combine. You’re done! Shake before each use.
If you have any questions or want to order any of these doTERRA essential oils you may contact me at or simply place an order on my website here. I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you enjoyed my column.
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