A pregnant teen, a baby with H.I.V., and a young couple at the crossroads of their relationship. Hear true stories of teens and their daily struggle with one of today's most difficult pressures.
Delivered by a cast of young actors, No Way to Treat a Lady shatters the misconceptions of teen sex while creating a realistic portrayal of today's youth.
The message is simple: self-control.
Who better to speak to teens about such a sensitive topic than other teens? Phantom Projects was created because of this show. It's the success of this program at public and private schools, youth groups and educator conferences that our educational theatre group has grown into the company it is today. This is NOT a sex-education show. Teens know what sex is; it's the consequences they may not always always have a handle on. Our production successfully helps teens look at the physical and mental consequences of teen sex.
The production was written by Bruce Gevirtzman, an author and high school teacher with nearly 40 years of experience and directed by our company's founder Steve Cisneros, who created Phantom Projects in 1997 at the age of 17. This show has toured to groups of grades 6-12 since 1997. The script is updated annually to have the most accurate representation of how teens see this topic.
To make an appointment or for further information call 714.690.2900 or visit