1. Helps Build Prosperity in Your Community.
Does your neighborhood have traffic jams, elderly folks who live alone or overcrowded schools? Census data can help define strategies to make necessary public improvements in your community.
2. Help in a Time of Need
Many emergency services linked to 911 are structured based on maps developed with the data from the previous census.Census information helps health providers predict how a disease is spread through communities between members of the population. When natural tragedies like tornados and earthquakes occur, the census indicates to the rescue teams how many people may need aid.
3. Puts Government to Work for You
It's a great way to let our leaders know who we are and what we need. The numbers are used to help determine the distribution of more than $400 billion in federal and state funds. The money will help to finance educational and school lunch programs, medical centers, emergency services, transportation and other needs in our community.
4. Reduces Risk for Businesses
Since census numbers help reduce the financial risk and allow the identification of potential markets, businesses can produce the products that you want and need.
5. It Will Help You and Your Family
The individual data stay confidential for 72 years, but you can request a certificate of past censuses to use it as verification of your age, residence, or kinship. This information can help you apply for a pension, establish citizenship or to obtain an inheritance.
In 2082 your great-grandchildren will be able to use census information to learn about the history of your family.
Today your children can use the information to assist them with homework assignments.
Thanks to the fact that we have had a census every 10 years since 1790, we know how far we have come, and how much we have changed as a nation.
Be counted in the 2010 Census. The future is in our hands!