Of major concern is that La Mirada has an estimated $67 million in infrastructure repair to deal with. Adding the deteriorating block walls and underground utilities, the cost is over $100 million. With the passing of Measure I regarding a 1% sales tax increase for 5 years, $4 million will be made available and will be used for the improvement and repair of streets and sewers. Deal is committed to insuring that these monies are spent solely for these purposes.
The city of La Mirada has been a “Most Business Friendly City’ finalist for five consecutive years. Deal expressed concern that, although the council has been working earnestly to find solutions to our aging shopping centers, progress has been complicated by the fact that, in many cases, multiple property owners exist at individual locations.
Following a question from the floor, Deal stated that, as seen in the success at the Valley View – Rosecrans strip (Mr. V’s corner), it took owner/city collaboration plus assertive posture on the part of the Council to bring about acceptable improvements after years of effort. It is Deal’s intention to continue that format. She believes that because of her current profession as Assistant Controller for a commercial development corporation that owns and manages commercial retail centers throughout the state, she possesses working knowledge of all sides of commercial property dynamics and is poised to put her knowledge to good use in La Mirada.
One of the most significant decisions the council must make will be the hiring of a new City Manager. We are an extraordinary city and that person must possess a wide scope of talents to satisfy the needs of the community. High standards are a priority. Deal is confident that her former experience in leadership selection processes will play a key role in the final choice. She is committed to working diligently with a new manager to serve the residents well because it is those residents who make La Mirada what it is: the best place to live, work and play.
Pauline Deal’s vision for La Mirada includes:
-revitalized shopping areas
-underground utilities,
-restored boundary block walls,
-enhanced street lighting-
-modernized services
-strengthened public safety
-commitment to fiscal accountability
Response to questions:
Q: What are your challenges?
A: Infrastructure, employee cuts, where to cut back due to the $15-20 million loss of revenue.
Q: Is Charter City an option?
A: The Council will be studying this possibility at their retreat in April.
Q: Regarding the Imperial Corridor, what will you champion?
A: Hiring consultant to strategize. Much must be done to work with the business owners. Family trusts, multiple ownerships, concern for costs are but a few of the issues for the existing businesses. Council must be ready to move the process along, perhaps by keeping fees low, bringing out to the front of the Marshall’s center parking lot some attractive business (Starbucks or the like) to appeal, increased enforcement, incentives, etc. These are all now on the table.
Q: Lawsuits are waiting to happen with the crumbling block walls, owners not conforming along major thoroughfares, etc. What do you see the council doing to be more forceful in their approach?
A: Many approaches will be studied by the council at the retreat. Council is open to suggestions including “Where will the money come from?”
Q: How about the Santa Gertrudes ficus situation?:
A:Solution contract has been approved and work will begin in March.