Vehicle Burglary


A window smash burglary was reported on the 14900 block of Tacuba Dr. Various keys were stolen from the vehicle. A burglary occurred on the 14400 block of Mansa Dr. Personal items and tools were stolen from the vehicle. A burglary was also reported in a business parking lot on the 15000 block of La Mirada Blvd.

Grand Theft

Three grand thefts were reported last week. A theft of tools and lawn care equipment was reported on the 15000 block of Neartree Rd. A laptop computer was reported stolen from the 13800 block of Biola Ave. Lawn care equipment was taken from a vehicle near Barnwall St. and Dalmation Ave. The vehicle had been stolen.

Grand Theft Vehicle

Seven vehicles were reported stolen last week. A truck stolen near Badlona Dr. and Pastrana Dr. was recovered by the Long Beach Police Department. A truck stolen from the 12800 block of Valley View Ave. was recovered shortly after in the City of Norwalk. An older model Honda was reported stolen from the 14900 block of Richvale Dr. The vehicle was recovered by the Whittier Police several days later. Two semi trailers were reported stolen from the 16100 block of Canary Ave. An older model Honda was stolen from the 14400 block of Industry Circle. A truck was reported stolen from the 14800 block of San Ardo Dr. The truck was recovered a short time later near Barnwall St and Dalmation Ave.