La Mirada~In a unanimous 5-0 vote, last night the La Mirada City Council voted to have La Mirada resident and current Norwalk-La Mirada Board Trustee, Pauline Deal to take the place of recently resigned, Susan Tripp.

Deal will serve out the remainder of Tripp's term, ending in March 2013. Her school board seat expires in November and sources close to the La Mirada Blog tell us the seat will remain vacant until then, when there's an election.

Thirteen residents applied for the La Mirada appointment, and on June 28th the council narrowed the field to five including Deal, Chris Pflanzer, Edward Eng, Michael Garcia, and Paul Brown.

Brown was fourth in the city council election this past March, just missing capturing one of three seats, finishing just behind Larry Mowles.

Tonight, after interviewing all five applicants the council then deliberated and nominated Deal who will be sworn in and take her place on council at next Tuesdays regularly scheduled meeting, July 12th, beginning at 6:30 p.m.