Another $126,932,899 in costs was also identified for replacing privately owned boundary block walls along major and secondary streets, undergrounding overhead utilities at busy intersections, and adding streetlights. These items are not currently owned by the City, but they significantly impact property values and the community environment.
The Task Force is reviewing the City's finances and operations, developing alternatives for funding the City's infrastructure and operational needs, and identifying ways for ensuring local control of local revenues. The Task Force will submit their findings and recommendations to the City Council in June.
The 29-member City Council-appointed Task Force is led by Chairman Ron Boatright and Vice-Chairman Paul Brown. Members include: Mary Abbott, Phillip Bracey, Rebecca Cline, Jennifer Cole-Gutierrez, Jeff Duhamel, Deborah Ellis, Edward Eng, Michael Garcia, Joe Gibbons and Phil Glenn.
Also serving are Sylvia Grotz, Dave Harbaugh, Jeff Irvin, Steve Keithly, Mark Madison, Jack Miranda, Alan Nichols, Lee Olsen, Ellen Peters, Kenny Ratzlaff, Mike Saenz, Vic Salvino, Bill Sanders, Susan Savage, Dr. Stephen Smith, Rich Trujillo and James Zellerbach.