La Mirada~Living Faith Church will host its first annual "Celebrate Community" event Sunday, March 13th from 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Foster Road Elementary School in La Mirada.
The church will be acknowledging individuals and orginazations for their contributions to the community.
Scheduled to be honored are: Mayor Pete Dames and City Councilman Hal Malkin, both retiring after 17 years on the council.
Also acknowledged will be Cristine Albanese, Deputy District Attorney for La Mirada who on her own, teaches a fifth-grade class at Foster Road on life skills; and Dr. Jean Maddux, principal at Foster Road.
Also, Gerald & Harriet Peebler, longtime La Mirada residents who own and operate Olive Lawn Mortuary. They have been in La Mirada since the mid-50's and are celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary this month; and Lou and Sylvia Piltz, also celebrating their 70th in June. Lou is a former City Councilman and Mayor.
Calvary Chapel will be presented as the "MVC" (Most Valuable Church), for "all they have done" for the community including supplying shoes and hoodies for elementary school children in La Mirada and much more.
The church will also acknowledge service groups in La Mirada including Kiwanis, Ebell, Rotary, and the Foster Road PTA, for its annual Thanksgiving Dinner.