
Biola University Announces Winners of 2nd Annual International Screenwriting Competition

Biola University Announces Winners of 2nd Annual International Screenwriting Competition

La Mirada~Biola University’s Cinema and Media Arts Department is excited to announce the winners of its second annual international screenwriting competition. In its second year, the Cinema and Media Arts department received a record amount of entries, a few of which hailed from Nairobi, Kenya and Zhejiang, China. There were ten semi-finalists and four winners, who were awarded scholarships of up to $10,000.

This year’s winners include Donald J. Schaffer, Jr. in first place with his script “The Boy and His Treemendous Companions,” Abigail McCoy in second place with her script “Let Her Go,” Anna Heistand in third place with her script “The Forgotten,” and Taylor Hein in fourth place with her script “Bridges.” Bios and headshots of these talented finalists are featured on our website.

Our semi-finalists, who received a copy of Stephen V. Duncan’s essential screenwriting book A Guide To Screenwriting Success, include Andrew Brewster’s “After Yesterday,” Jesse Creaseman’s “The Untitled Film,” Quinn Kilhenny’s “Count The Hours,” Maralisa Ortiz’s “Boxed In,” Elizabeth Rockhill’s “The Sound of Color,” and Merlin Senthil’s “Open Tents.”

Over Half of La Mirada Residents Will Not be Voting in City Council Election

Over Half of La Mirada Residents Will Not be Voting in City Council Election

On August 3, 2016 the La Mirada City Council was served with a demand letter from MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) stating the city was in violation of the California Voter Rights Act and had to change from an at-large election system to a by-district election system. The district boundaries are depicted above.

La Mirada~The City Council election will take place on March 7th and over half  of the residents will not be able to vote.

Let me try to explain this to you without confusing you more.

Traditionally, La Mirada has used an at-large voting system. Depending how many spots were available, the top vote-getter(s) from all of La Mirada would win the election.

Those days appear to be over.

This past Summer, the Mexican legal Defense & Education Fund (MALDEF) sent a letter to the city demanding they change their voting system to by-district rather than at-large, alleging all areas of the city have not being represented, citing the California Voting Rights Act of 2001.

Rather than face a legal challenge in which the city could ultimately lose and spend thousands of dollars in the process, La Mirada officials complied with MALDEF”S request and changed their voting system, creating five electoral districts, but still had to pay $30,000 in costs to settle.

It continues to get confusing.

Two incumbents terms are up this March, Andrew Sarega and Pauline Deal.

Choosing from multiple district boundary submissions, the council last year approved a map that has Sarega and Deal in the newly formed District 2.

This created an open spot for District 1, which currently has no council member residing within its boundaries. Competing for that spot are myself, Jim Emmerling, Diane Gramajo and John Lewis.

Only Districts 1 and 2 will be participating this March.

Districts 3, 4 and 5 will have an election in March 2019 when Mayor Pro-Tem Ed Eng, Larry Mowles and Mayor Steve DeRuse’s terms are up.

So, this March 7th, three out of every five La Mirada residents will not be participating in the election.

Valley View Avenue Interchange Project Update

Valley View Avenue Interchange Project Update

Construction on the I-5 widening of the La Mirada segment has begun. As of Wednesday, January 18, Valley View Avenue is reduced to one lane in each direction over the freeway crossing and the southbound I-5 freeway Valley View Avenue off-ramp is closed. These restrictions will remain in place for approximately three years. The Valley View Avenue southbound freeway on-ramp will remain open during this first phase of construction, but will be temporarily closed in about a year.

Caltrans is warning motorist to expect delays and use alternate routes. Portable changeable message signs have been placed in the vicinity to notify the motoring public.

Additional information is available on the City of La Mirada’s website, Caltrans website and

City of La Mirada Election March 7th

City of La Mirada Election March 7th

The City of La Mirada will be holding a by-district election on Tuesday, March 7 to fill two City Council seats. Members of Districts 1 and 2 will be elected in March 2017, while Members of Districts 3, 4, and 5 will be elected in March 2019.

The last day to register to vote in the March 7 election is Monday, February 20. Registration forms will be available at City Hall, the La Mirada Library, the Post Office, or may be requested by mail by calling the Los Angeles County Elections Registration Request Line at (800) 481-VOTE (8683).

For general questions about the election, contact the City Clerk’s office at (562) 943-0131.

Resident Robbed at Gunpoint When She Arrives Home

Resident Robbed at Gunpoint When She Arrives Home

La Mirada~A home invasion robbery occurred sometime Tuesday morning when a resident returned to her home in the Green Hills area.

The La Mirada Blog has learned a woman returned home with her son and found two men inside the home on Grayville Avenue.

The woman’s purse was taken after one of the men pointed a gun at her and demanded it. The suspects then fled the scene.

No injuries were reported and authorities are investigating. Anyone with information about the incident are encouraged to call the Sheriff’s Department at (562) 863-8711.

Winter Storm Pounds La Mirada

Winter Storm Pounds La Mirada

La Mirada Creek is a roaring river in this photo taken at Creek Park by Blog fan T. Jackson on Sunday January 22, 2017.

The final storm in a series of three, pummeled La Mirada yesterday with over three inches of rain and a steady downpour for most of the day.

La Mirada Creek Park overflowed its banks at Creek Park but the flood control channel functioned like it should. Many spectators were out at the park to look at the rare scene.

Damage was reported throughout La Mirada with many downed trees. A retaining wall was destroyed when part of a backyard gave way along La Mirada Boulevard, just north of Rosecrans Avenue spilling mud and debris onto the sidewalk making it impassable.

Many storm-related photos were sent in by readers. You can view the photos photos on our Facebook page our Twitter page.

Southbound I-5 Valley View Off-Ramp to Shut Down For Two Years

Southbound I-5 Valley View Off-Ramp to Shut Down For Two Years

La Mirada~Beginning today, Valley View Avenue will be reduced to one lane in each direction between Alondra and Artesia Boulevards as part of the I-5 Corridor Improvements..

Also, the southbound Valley View Avenue off-ramp is now closed for approximately 24 months as workers will construct a new off-ramp.

Heavy traffic delays are anticipated and signed detours will be posted.

Motorists are encouraged to visit to receive alternative route information, updates about construction work, road and lane closures, night and weekend work and other information related to the I-5 Corridor Improvements.

The I-5 Interchange Project will widen the I-5 to add one High Occupancy Lane (HOV) and one general purpose lane in each direction.

Improvements include the widening the Valley View Avenue bridge from four to six lanes , reconstructing the adjacent frontage roads, adding a railroad overpass and reconfiguring the interchange.

The project is expected to be completed in late 2018.

Candidates All Set for First District Election

Candidates All Set for First District Election

In a just a few short months, the landscape of La Mirada politics may have been changed forever as the filing period has ended and the candidates are set for the City's first district election on March 7, 2017.

The Mecican-American Legal Defense & Education Fund (MALDEF), threatened to sue the city if it did not change its election from an at-large to a district-based system, giving all areas of the city representation on the city council. The city subsequently settled with the group to create districts and paid them $30,000 for their expenses.

The boundaries have been drawn creating five new electoral districts. Districts one and two will have open seats this March for a four-year term. Districts three, four and five will hold have an election in 2019, meaning three-fifths of the La Mirada population will not be able to participate in the election this March.

The candidates for district one, which currently has no sitting council member, are Jim Emmerling, Diane Gramajo, John Lewis and our own Tony Aiello.

District two candidates pit two incumbents against each other, Andrew Sarega and Pauline Deal,  as their current four-year terms are up.

Work Continues on City’s Aggressive Street Improvement Program

Work Continues on City’s Aggressive Street Improvement Program

Phase 3 of the Measure I neighbored street improvements will soon be underway in La Mirada. The City Council awarded RJ Noble, which submitted the lowest qualified bid, to complete the project at its November 22, 2016 Council meeting.

Street improvements in Phase 3 are planned for the neighborhood streets bounded by Stage Road, Alondra Boulevard, Dalmatian Avenue, Barnwall Street, Ocaso Avenue, La Mirada Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue, and the east City limit. Not included in this project are Stage Road, Alondra Boulevard, La Mirada Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue, and Santa Gertrudes Avenue.

Improvements include resurfacing of street pavement, installation of curb access ramps, rehabilitation of storm drains, and removal and replacement of damaged curbs, gutters and sidewalks.

Phase 3 is scheduled for completion in summer 2017. Phase 4 of Measure I is under design and is scheduled to begin construction by summer 2017. The first two phases of the Measure I neighborhood street improvements were completed in fall 2015 and spring 2016.

“We are continuing to meet the objectives of the City’s robust Capital Improvement Projects program,” says Public Works Director/ City Engineer Mark Stowell. “Phases 3 and 4 are proceeding as planned and will provide updated infrastructure in the affected neighborhoods.”

As construction approaches for capital improvement projects, the City strives to notify residents and businesses in advance of the work. To identify projects funded by Measure I, signs are posted in the area where a Measure I project is in progress.

For more information on La Mirada’s capital improvement projects, call the City’s Public Works Department at (562) 902-2385.

Armed Robber Killed After Standoff

Armed Robber Killed After Standoff

La Mirada~An armed man was killed by police early Tuesday morning when he emerged from the AM/PM store on Beach Boulevard after a three hour standoff.

Deputies arrived shortly after 9:30 p.m. and were confronted by the man who ran back inside the store.

After numerous attempts by officials to get the man to peacefully surrender, he emerged from the store around 12:30 a.m. shooting at police who returned fire and killed him.

No other injuries were reported. The man's identity has not been released.

Check our Twitter feed to see how events unfolded.

