
“Soldiers” to Perform at La Mirada Ebell Meeting
La Mirada~"Colette Aubrey and the Shanti Soldiers" will perform 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 10 for La Mirada Ebell members at their monthly meeting.
Aubrey, a songstress from the age of 10, may best be known for co-hosting with husband Jay, the "Yogi World with Coco B and Jay" radio show on KUCI/88.9 FM.
Pop, Jazz and Blues were Aubrey's music choices until 2006, when she discovered the practice of Yoga and learned to play the harmonium, a devotional instrument.
Aubrey teamed up with the "Shanti Soldiers" in July of this year and now, is collaborating with "Soldiers" on its first devotional album.
The group also includes Jayson "Jay" Baron and Jason "Jaja" Carlton
A hard-rock devotee for two decades, Jaja now brings his rock and roll guitar expertise to "Shanti Soldiers" musical performances.
The Ebell program is expected to be a mix of vocal and instrumental sounds, as Aubrey and Jay introduce attendees to the harmonium, digeridoo, dotar and harmonica.
Guests are welcome at all Ebell meetings held the second Wednesday of the month in Room 1 at La Mirada City Hall, 13700 La Mirada Blvd.

La Mirada Salutes Veterans
La Mirada~La Mirada’s eighth annual Veteran’s Observance event will be held Monday, November 8, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts. .
This free event is open to all ages and will honor veterans in the community.
The program will honor the heroic men and women in the armed forces who have served the United States of America throughout our nation’s history. A patriotic presentation will pay tribute to the veterans and representatives of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will post our nation’s colors. Veterans will share their stories and display memorabilia with the community.
For more information call (562) 943-7277

Community Member Needs Our Help
Maureen (Casados) Swanson is fighting the battle of her life after recently being diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer.
Whittier~Recently, the La Mirada Blog was contacted by community member, Monica Casados informing us that on April 28th of this year, her sister Maureen, 37, was admitted to Whittier Presbyterian Hospital after experiencing stomach pains. Tests later revealed Stage 4 Colon Cancer that has metastasized into her lungs and liver.
Maureen and her husband Chad have two young daughters, Samantha 9 and Zoe 5.
Maureen is a lifelong resident of Whittier, CA, where she remains extremely close with her tight-knit family and high school friends. Maureen has worked professionally in La Mirada and Whittier her entire life.
Growing up in the unincorporated part of Whittier, Maureen attended La Mirada Schools, Mesa Elementary, Gardenhill Elementary, and then La Mirada High School (there was no middle schools during this period).
Maureen and her family, still have many friends in La Mirada.
Family and friends of Maureen (Casados) Swanson will be hosting a fundraising event to assist with her medical expenses and would like to invite the public.
The fundraiser will be on November 12th, 2010-a Poker Tournament/Casino Night/ Bingo at Smart's Banquet Hall in Whittier.
The family is also requesting in-kind donations for the raffle/silent auction at this event. They are hoping to make these fundraisers a success, but need the help of our community.
They are asking for your help in making these fundraisers a success by donating a gift, sponsoring a table, making a monetary donation or attending the events.
The funds raised will help their family pay for medical expenses while she undergoes treatment.
Although her daily routine is difficult, Maureen is fighting hard to prolong her life and prays for the successful future of her family.
Until recently, she was employed as a Massage Therapist at Healthways Chiropractic in La Mirada and as a Substitute Cafeteria Worker in the East Whittier City School District; and she deeply misses her co-workers, clients and the elementary school children.
If you would like to attend either event or make a donation, please contact Monica Casados at 562-536-9002 or email: Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Monetary donations can also be made to a donation account at Bank of America, Maureen Swanson acct #09625-71774.

Alumni Fest 2010 at La Mirada High School
La Mirada~La Mirada and Neff grads are invited to a pre-game party before the LMHS-Mayfair HS football game, this Friday, October 29, 2010, hosted by the La Mirada Football Boosters. Alumni Fest 2010 is open to any and all LMHS and Neff grads.
There will be food, friends, a game ticket, and old and new memories, and a gift, all for $30.00.
An alumni directory is to be given out to the alumni at the celebration.
If you would like to come and join the fun - please contact Denise Barrett,, for more information or to request the Alumni Fest 2010 flyer and reservation form.

Art Colony Offers Free Demonstration of Straw Art
La Mirada~Internationally recognized, Mr. Owens-Celli, Director of the American Museum of Straw Art in Long Beach will demonstrate the use of straw as an art/craft medium on Monday, November 1st from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Arts Colony of La Mirada meeting.
The public is invited to attend this free event.
The club meets on the first Monday of the month at the La Mirada Resource Center, 13710 La Mirada Blvd.
For further information, call Madeline Thomas at 562-941-4116 or Paula Newman at 714-994-3535.

Halloweenfest Scheduled at Neff Park
La Mirada~Costumed superheroes, fairy princesses, ghosts and goblins will fill the night with laughter at the City of La Mirada's annual Halloweenfest on Sunday, October 31, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the historic Neff Estate.
The event will feature a haunted maze, flashlight tours of the Neff Mansion, Jack-O-Lantern contest, games, crafts and tasty treats for sale. This family-oriented event is perfect for all ages.
A costume contest for patrons and their pets will take place throughout the evening. Arrive early to enter and win!
For more information, call Community Services at (562) 943-7277

Fresh, Exotic, and Family at New La Mirada Restaurant
We welcome Amy Hyde, our restaurant reviewer, to the La Mirada Blog family. Amy will make available, restaurant reviews for La Mirada, providing a background for the establishment, and what you can expect when you visit. Welcome Amy!
La Mirada~Azucar Café in the La Mirada Stater Brothers shopping center is a true escape into a world of fresh tastes and exotic flavor inspirations.
Azucar Café has been open for three months, and is sure to be a new local favorite! Business partners Eddie and Leticia originally had the idea of opening up a Mexican restaurant, but instead they created a new business plan: Azucar Café. The prices are fantastic, the food is fresh, and this Café offers something different than the rest.

Temple to Host Blood Drive
La Mirada~Don't tell Dracula, but you can come give to the Red Cross at a blood drive this Tuesday, October 12th from 1-7 p.m. at Temple Beth Ohr in La Mirada, 15721 E. Rosecrans Ave.
The entire community is invited and refreshments will be served.
You can check out the Red Cross website, to see if you are eligible to donate.
To make a reservation and minimize waiting time, please call 714-521-6765 or 562-691-2551 or email

Seniors Celebrate Fall Cowboy Style
La Mirada~The city will host its annual Senior Fall Festival on Thursday, Oct. 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the La Mirada Activity Center, located at 13810 La Mirada Boulevard.
This country-western event will feature door prizes, raffle, games, and live entertainment by the Country Plus Band.
For more information, call (562) 902-3160 or visit
Friends of La Mirada Library Book Sale
La Mirada~The Friends of the La Mirada Public Library hosts its next semi-annual Book Sale to support the library on Saturday, Oct 9 from 9:00a to 3:00p at the La Mirada Activity Center.
The center is located at 13801 La Mirada Blvd in La Mirada
A wide selection of high-quality used hardback and paperback books as well as audio and video materials will be on sale at bargain-basement prices.
Beginning at 2:00 p.m., customers may fill and buy bags of books for only $3.
For more information call the La Mirada Library at (562) 943-0277.
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