
La Mirada SeniorNet Helps Keep Everyone Up to Speed on the Web
La Mirada~SeniorNet's dedicated group of volunteers are at the heart of the La Mirada SeniorNet Learning Center Program; instructing, coaching, and always working in the background.
SeniorNet was started in 1986 as a research project and has grown to over 80 learning centers worldwide. Each center helps adults age 50+ enter the "Information Age.”
At the La Mirada SeniorNet Learning Center, each student will use a desktop computer, a flat screen monitor, and an optical mouse. Students receive help as needed. Our classes are small and taught by volunteer instructors and coaches (usually 50+).
Our comfortable, well lit classroom uses an overhead projection system with an 8'x 8' screen and a sound amplification system. Please note that enrollment is subject to certain prerequisites.
Specialized programs offered by La Mirada SeniorNet include:
WORKSHOP-“Personalize Your Computer” Learn simple changes to your PC to make it easier to use and make it look the way you like it.
WORKSHOP-“Find Your Stuff” Learn the difference between files and folders and how to create them. Organize your information so you can find it when you need it. You will also learn how to drag and drop files and folders from one location to another.
SEMINAR-“Tablets and E-Readers” This 2-hour seminar will provide an overview of the types of tablets on the market and the types of e-readers. An Android tablet, Kindle e-reader, and an Ipad all will be demonstrated.
The next registration opportunity is Friday, May 31st, 2013.
For more information call (562) 902-3177 and leave a message or visit the La Mirada Activity Center, La Mirada Blvd., 13700 La Mirada, CA 90638 and pick up a brochure or visit

MAY REAL ESTATE REPORT: Low Inventory of Homes for Sale in La Mirada
Looking at the last three years, 494 homes sold in 2012, 424 sold in 2011 and 439 sold in 2010.
Prior to the financial melt down that lead to this recession, one could expect an average of 610 properties selling each year to new home owners-about 50 homes sold per month.
Today, we are down to 35 homes per month.
We have a tad over 15,000 homes in the city. With the exception of the Hillsborough homes on the East side of town. Most homes were built in the late 50’s and early 60’s.
I want to share this basic information about the city housing units because unlike the media that is basically ignoring and/or trying to put a positive spin on the National and Southern California real estate market, the reality is that the old real estate adage “Location, Location and Location” is still the best base-line to determine what is happening to property values.
The Median household income in La Mirada is about $83,000, while the State’s median income is just under $59,000 dollars. I mention this because in reviewing the foreclosure activity for this report, I discovered that there are more foreclosures in the Hillsborough part of town than in the Foster Park area where the average median income level is much lower.
Since the beginning of the year, a full 28% of La Mirada homes have been sold due to a financial crisis (foreclosure). It is interesting to note that the Hillsborough area has seen more foreclosures than the Foster Park area.
Currently there are 93 properties in some stage of the foreclosure process. Again, Hillsborough leads the foreclosure activity with 14 foreclosures compared to the Foster Park area with only 10 Foreclosures. This should easily reveal to all residents that the economic recession is hitting the high income earners as well.
The most expensive property so far to be closed in La Mirada is on Placid Dr., which sold at a foreclosure auction on March 28, 2013 for $1,108,622 dollars.
Finally, 73 properties are pending sales in La Mirada and 20 properties have been canceled.
That’s the big picture for all of us to see. Now what does that mean to the individual home owner?
It means that the inventory of homes for sale in La Mirada is at an all time low!
As you can see from the chart, the blue line is rising and the green bar is falling. You can also see by the slope of the blue line that the gap is increasing quickly and we may have a mini-boom in property values this summer. But it will not be due to any economic recovery. It will be due to the lack of inventory of homes to sell in the city.
Banks continue to hold their REO (Real Estate Owned) inventories in their pockets or are selling them to long term investors to hold for at lest three years. La Mirada home ownership used to be over 87% it’s now down to 79% with many homes renting for over $1600/month.
How long this will go on is anyone’s guess.

New Company Provides Fashionable Service for Women
A new fashion and beauty service is available for women in the comfort of their own home.
Fashionable Fete, based in La Mirada, and founded by Beauty Director Erin Benke and Creative Director Susie Mederios, is a service that hosts parties, providing beauty and fashion consulting.
Along with a third associate, Stylist Manager Caryn Valdeserri, they teach the everyday woman the importance of skincare, and techniques such as how to apply foundation properly and how to create a “smoky eye”, and so much more, but they turn the beauty lesson into a party format.
They also offer personal shopping services such as assistance with pulling complete outfits and accessories at stores and personal styling services such as creating complete outfits by assessing what the client already has in her closet.
Their goal is to have every woman leave their parties feeling beautiful, refreshed and having learned fashion and beauty tips that she can use in her everyday world.
Benke, who has years of experience in Hollywood as a personal stylist, told the La Mirada Blog that they offer the service keeping household budgets in mind, “With my years of experience in Hollywood on the red carpet and movie sets, I decided to bring my fashion and beauty expertise to the home and for a minimal fee.”
“Women deserve to be appreciated and respected. When a woman feels beautiful, she emanates happiness and she becomes more confident,” Benke said, “When a woman is more confident she gets more respect at work and at home. She is more daring and self-assured and realizes she can conquer the world-one lipstick at a time!”
There is no sales pitch at any of the parties Fashionable Fete hosts.
To schedule an appointment or to get more information on everything Fashionable Fete has to offer call (562) 896-2819, email or browse their website at

Wide Selection of Items Affordably Priced at the Friends of the Library Book Sale
The Friends of the La Mirada Public Library (“Friends of the Library” or “FOL”) will host its next semi-annual Book Sale on Saturday, May 4, 2013, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The fundraising event will be held at the La Mirada Activity Center, 13810 La Mirada Blvd. (behind the fire station), in the City of La Mirada.
The book sale will offer a wide selection of quality secondhand hardcover and paperback books as well as audio and video materials at bargain-basement prices. Beginning at 1:30 p.m., customers may buy bags to fill with books for only $3.00 per bag.
“We are very excited about offering a wide variety of materials to the public at low cost,” said Hal Malkin, FOL’s Ways and Means vice president. “Everyone from young readers to senior learners will find something that will appeal to them at affordable prices.”

REAL ESTATE: Though the Housing Market has Improved, Families Still Struggle in La Mirada
Dear La Mirada Homeowner,
My name is Noel Jaimes, and I have called the City of La Mirada my home since 1975. I will be writing a weekly column here about La Mirada real estate in hopes of giving residents a general overview of what is happening in the real estate market each week.
I began my career in real estate when I was a student at Biola College, now Biola University. It is funny how 38 years later I still consider myself a tentmaker. Helping people buy their first home was an exciting job. Before the big financial crash of the last decade, people worked very hard and long to save 10 to 20 percent for a down payment.
I remember buying my first home after getting married and then worring about making the $690 mortgage payments. Yes, I did say $690 a monthly mortgage payments. You may be smiling and wishing that this was your current mortgage payment. But the reality is it’s a matter of perspective.
When we moved into our home there was a wonderful elderly couple living at the adjacent corner of where we lived. His name was Leonard. I can’t remember his wife’s name right now. Anyway, when I shared with him how hard it was to come up with $690 a month. He just smiled and told me that it would…. “get better.”
Of course I doubted him and he could tell by the look on my face that I did not believe him.
Leonard then proceeded to tell me how after returning from France after World War II, he bought his home on Gabbett Drive for only $7,200-brand new. His payments were $72 a month and back then he was worried, wondering how they were going to make it as newlyweds.
At the time of this conversation with Leonard I was just 27 years old, just graduated from Biola College, was working part time in real estate and full time at Ralph Grocery Company and was not able to fully swallow this tall tale by a man who is my senior by at least 50 years. So guess what Leonard did?
First, he invited me to his home. Once I was there, he walked over to a cover drawer where he removed a small box. I thought he was going to get his reading glasses. But instead he opened the box and handed me something that completely shocked me.

Gaming and Entertainment at BEST Foundation Casino Night in La Mirada
La Mirada~Have a lot of fun and contribute to a great cause at Casino Night presented by the Southern California BEST Foundation.
The event will be held Saturday, April 27th at the La Mirada Volunteer Center, 11900 La Mirada Blvd. in La Mirada
Happy hour and dinner run from 5:30-7:00, followed by gaming, raffles, and a live auction from 7-11 p.m.
The cost is $40 or $75 per couple and includes gaming chips, dinner and entertainment.
All proceeds to support the Southern California Best Foundation Scholarship Fund.
Now in its eighth year of operation, BEST (Business, Education, Scholarship, Training) has presented over $25,000 to local high school students.
Its partners include The La Mirada High School Business Academy, the La Mirada Chamber of Commerce, and the La Mirada business community and service groups,
Checks and credit cards accepted and sponsorships are available.
For more information contact Mimi Frick at (562) 943-3177 or (562) 458-9650.
See you this Saturday night for Casino Night in La Mirada!

Splash! Pre-Season Sale On Now; Mother-Daughter Tea Registration Open
Buccaneer Bay season passes are the best way to enjoy La Mirada's award winning water park. Special pre-season sale ends May 31.
Plan now to spend the summer floating in the lazy river, splashing in the water spray areas, and taking a ride down our 25-foot water slides. A new toddler pirate slide has been added for the 2013 season.
Buccaneer Bay is open weekends May 25 through September 29, and daily from June 14 through September 2.
For more information or to purchase a pass, visit Splash!, call (562) 902-3191, or visit
Also, registrations for the annual Mother-Daughter Tea Party at Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center on Saturday, May 11 will be taken through April 26.
The cost is $27 for ages 12 and over, and $17 for ages 3 to 11.
For more information, call (562) 902-3160.

The Murder Of Millions Commemorated By Temples Beth Ohr (La Mirada), Beth Israel, and Beth Tikvah.
Yom HaShoah, also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day, occurs this Sunday, April 7th, 2013.
Shoah, the Hebrew word meaning catastrophe or utter destruction, commemorates the atrocities committed against and the murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis during World War II.
The Shoah (also called the Holocaust, from a Greek word meaning "sacrifice by fire,") was initiated by the members of the German National Socialist Party (Nazi), which seized power in Germany in 1933. The Nazis believed in and propagated a doctrine of racial superiority of white, Northern European males, over all other human beings.
Other members of European society, especially the Jews, were deemed "unworthy of life" and the target of violence and murder.
During World War II (1939-1945), the Nazis developed and implemented what they deemed to be the "final solution," a plan to of genocide and murder against all Jews. The homes and businesses of German Jews, and then later Jewish men and women living in German occupied countries, were confiscated by the Nazis. The Jewish home owners and business owners were then forcibly relocated to enclosed neighborhoods, ghettos and slave-labor camps, where disease, brutality, and malnutrition claimed the lives of many men, women and children.

Lou Piltz: A Man That Contributed So Much to the Community
Lou Piltz, former La Mirada City Councilmember and Mayor recently passed away. Lou was loved by the community.
Here is a little snippet Lou sent the La Mirada Blog last year, providing his insight to early La Mirada that will appear in the La Mirada history book, “Reflections From McNally’s Mirror,” being released in June of this year:
In 1957 when Hiram's Market opened, I had to drive from Long Beach to La Mirada over 2 lane asphalt roads , about 12 miles, as manager of the new market. There was very little housing in between and lots of dairies and open space. The new store was in the La Mirada Shopping Center, where some of the signs indicated Bonds Men’s Store and May Company. The street called Rosecrans was a two lane street separated by a dirt strip in the center. A lot of construction was occurring for Ohrbach’s, Newberry’s, and Barker Brothers. When I became more involved in the area, it was not a city yet; The City of La Mirada was incorporated in March 1960. I decided to purchase a home in the City in 1964. I instructed the real estate company, because I was becoming more involved with the city, I wished to be located in the city. Guess what? They sold me a home that was right in the middle of an area called Mitchell’s Island-the only area excluded from the last city incorporation election, because of the negative votes of the first election. I wondered why City Hall was across the street and I wasn't in the city? It was an island surrounded by the City of La Mirada. After my discovery I proceeded to organize a move to annex our area to the city, and we were successful!
-Lou Piltz
Here are some accolades from Gene Gleason, longtime La Mirada local attorney and Kiwanis Club member who grew up in La Mirada:
From the time I was a first or second grade child in the early 1960’s turning in empty glass soda bottles at the Hiram Market in the old La Mirada Mall to store manager Lou Piltz, I have learned many life lessons from him, especially from how he treated other people. Those lessons include:
- Laugh at yourself: Who has not seen Lou acting like a child, telling self deprecating jokes or stories? We could all benefit by not taking ourselves too seriously and being able to laugh at ourselves. How many times I can recall seeing a Key Club member from La Mirada High School not sure how to react when their mayor balanced a spoon on his nose at a breakfast meeting or when Lou gave them lessons on how to flip “panny-cakes”at a fundraiser!
-Smile - even when that may be the opposite of what you want to do. It takes so little effort and so many people need to see a smile.
-Serve others because it is the right thing to do, not out of a desire for recognition for yourself.
-Be alert to the needs of others. We are called to be the eyes and ears of our community looking for those in need.
-Sincerity- when you ask “How are you doing?” Lou was not just “making talk.” When he asked how you were doing, he honestly wanted to know how you were doing. How little effort it takes to be sincere and care about your fellow man.
-One of the prices of truly caring is that you feel disappointment- Lou had a difficult time hiding it when someone let him down, when they did not measure up to what they should do. The hurt/disappointment would show-that was because he cared.
-I can picture him shaking his head from side to side and or rolling his eyes upward when something like that happened, as if to say “You can do better than that.”
-Stability-Love of Family. Lou was justifiably proud of his wife Sylvia, his children and his grandchildren. There was never any question about Lou's dedication to his family or his family's love for him

Kids Will Scramble for Treats at Annual La Mirada Easter Egg Hunt
La Mirada~Easter is here! Bring your family and join us for the City of La Mirada's Annual Easter Event this Saturday, March 30 from 9 to 11 a.m. at La Mirada Regional Park.
Come enjoy a fun morning filled with games, crafts, music, balloon artists, bounce houses, and a petting zoo. Capture the fun with a special photo with the Easter Bunny, available for a nominal fee.
For children ages 10 and under, be sure to bring your Easter basket for the Easter Egg Hunt at 10:15 a.m. Egg Hunt areas will be separated by age and participants should arrive at their age group's designated Egg Hunt area 15 minutes prior to the event start time.
Children and their parents can also enjoy a pancake breakfast hosted by the La Mirada Kiwanis Club, available for a small fee.
Immediately following the Easter Event, the 6th Annual La Mirada Kiwanis Club Derby Duck Race will be held at Splash!
The race will start approximately at 11 a.m. with $2,500, $1,000, and other prizes up for grabs.
For more information on the duck race visit HERE.
For more information, please call the Community Services Department at (562) 943-7277.
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