La Mirada Blog
Articles by Marilyn Carwile

La Mirada Ebell Planning for 2012
La Mirada~"Food, Fun and Fellowship" will be the theme when La Mirada Ebell Club members meet 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 14 at De Luca's Restaurant in Whittier.
Members traditionally use this session to review previous fundraising efforts, then regroup in January to finalize plans for the rest of the 2011-2012 club year.
A recent visit to Pechanga Resort and Casino was so successful the Club is considering a 2nd such bus trip after the New Year.
"La Mirada Ebell scholarships help high school graduates further their education", said President Cheri Collin, noting that last year's efforts allowed the club to present four $1,000.00 scholarships.
Future events include helping the Kiwanis Club at Sears this month as local youngsters complete their holiday shopping. Members also will provide and sell desserts at the Kiwanis-sponsored Spaghetti Dinner for Meals On Wheels, and host a Fashion Show April 14 at the La Mirada Country Club.
Women interested in community service are invited to join La Mirada Ebell at any time. Call Lorrie Larson, (714) 521-2561, for further information.

Ebell to Feature Indian Heritage
La Mirada~Judie Peters will share her knowledge of Cherokee Indian history with La Mirada Ebell members and guests 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12 in Room 1, City Hall, 13900 La Mirada Blvd.
The 44-year La Mirada resident will display artifacts collected while researching her ancestry. Included are dolls, dream catchers, pots and gourds. Peters also will discuss basket-weaving, a past-time she learned so her three children and two grandchildren could learn more about the family's Indian heritage.

Four Inducted Into Local Ebell Club
La Mirada~La Mirada Ebell recently inducted four new members into the area-wide, service-oriented women's club Embracing the Club goal of "fellowship while funding scholarships" were Donna Braswell and Jeannie Lee of Whittier, and Susan Cable and Patricia Lopez of La Mirada.
To accomplish the 2011-2012 Ebell goal, President Cheri Collin asks the community to support Club projects, the first being an ongoing "Flower Power" bulb sale. Orders will be taken until Oct. 12, with half of the proceeds going to the Club.
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