La Mirada Blog
Articles by City of La Mirada

CRIME REPORT: Thieves Turn Their Sights on Older Toyota Trucks; Lock Your Vehicles at All Times to Minimize Chance of Burglary
La Mirada~The following is the crime report for La Mirada the week of October 3-9, 2011:
Residential Burglary
Two residential burglaries were reported last week. An incident occurred on the 11700 block of Gayview Dr. A second burglary was reported on the 12700 block of Biola Ave. Jewelry was stolen in both incidents.
Other Structure Burglary
A burglary was reported on the 13300 block of Hillsborough Drive. Several plants were stolen.

Halloweenfest Scheduled at Neff Park
La Mirada~Costumed superheroes, fairy princesses, ghosts and goblins will fill the night with laughter at the City of La Mirada's annual Halloweenfest on Sunday, October 31, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the historic Neff Estate.
The event will feature a haunted maze, flashlight tours of the Neff Mansion, Jack-O-Lantern contest, games, crafts and tasty treats for sale. This family-oriented event is perfect for all ages.
A costume contest for patrons and their pets will take place throughout the evening. Arrive early to enter and win!
For more information, call Community Services at (562) 943-7277

Years of Delay Give Way for Valley View Avenue-Railroad Project
La Mirada~The Cities of La Mirada and Santa Fe Springs will host an Open House on Tuesday, August 31, to provide an update on the Valley View Avenue Grade Separation project.
This project is a joint effort between the two cities and will involve the construction of an underpass at the intersection of Valley View Avenue and Stage Road. Upon completion of the project, traffic on Valley View will travel underneath the BNSF railroad tracks, thereby reducing traffic delays, noise and emissions from idling vehicles, and improving safety for rail passengers, motorists and pedestrians.
City staff and project personnel will be available to review the project status and construction schedule. The Open House will be held on Tuesday, August 31 at the La Mirada Activity Center. Business owners and tenants are requested to attend the event between 3 and 5 p.m., and residential owners and tenants are requested to attend between 6 and 8 p.m.
For more information about the open house, please contact the La Mirada Department of Public Works at (562) 902-2371 or email

City Manager Says State Being Irresponsible
La Mirada~The La Mirada Redevelopment Agency will lose $4,839,372 next week and another $995,391 next year as a result of a court decision upholding State budget actions. These funds will not be returned to La Mirada.
The combined total of $5,834,763 is equal to about 18 percent of the City's General Fund Budget, and is more than the salaries of the City's entire full-time staff for a one year period.
The State Budget approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor in July 2009 called for a $2.05 billion raid on local redevelopment funds to pay the State's bills.
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