La Mirada Blog
Articles by City News Service

Latest News From The Hall
Extra Revenue is Always a Good Thing
The City Council recently reviewed its annual mid-year budget report. The report showed an improving economy as key revenue sources remain stable with some expected to exceed budget estimates. Overall, General Fund operating revenues for the current year are expected to reach $43.8 million, which is $2.1 million over the budgeted amount. General Fund operating expenditures are projected at $30.9 million, which is slightly below the budget. These figures do not include fund transfers for capital improvement projects. The estimates reflect ongoing efforts to manage costs even with conservative budgeting.
The mid-year report also emphasized the City’s continued commitment to maintaining public safety as a top priority and ongoing investment in local infrastructure. At mid-year, Measure I revenues were $2.22 million. Revenues are projected to reach $6.10 million at year end, an increase of $425,000 or 7.48 percent above the conservative budget estimate. This funding source is used for neighborhood infrastructure repairs, and the third phase of improvements is currently in progress. The one percent Measure I sales tax ends on March 31, 2018.

Work Continues on City’s Aggressive Street Improvement Program
Phase 3 of the Measure I neighbored street improvements will soon be underway in La Mirada. The City Council awarded RJ Noble, which submitted the lowest qualified bid, to complete the project at its November 22, 2016 Council meeting.
Street improvements in Phase 3 are planned for the neighborhood streets bounded by Stage Road, Alondra Boulevard, Dalmatian Avenue, Barnwall Street, Ocaso Avenue, La Mirada Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue, and the east City limit. Not included in this project are Stage Road, Alondra Boulevard, La Mirada Boulevard, Rosecrans Avenue, and Santa Gertrudes Avenue.
Improvements include resurfacing of street pavement, installation of curb access ramps, rehabilitation of storm drains, and removal and replacement of damaged curbs, gutters and sidewalks.
Phase 3 is scheduled for completion in summer 2017. Phase 4 of Measure I is under design and is scheduled to begin construction by summer 2017. The first two phases of the Measure I neighborhood street improvements were completed in fall 2015 and spring 2016.
“We are continuing to meet the objectives of the City’s robust Capital Improvement Projects program,” says Public Works Director/ City Engineer Mark Stowell. “Phases 3 and 4 are proceeding as planned and will provide updated infrastructure in the affected neighborhoods.”
As construction approaches for capital improvement projects, the City strives to notify residents and businesses in advance of the work. To identify projects funded by Measure I, signs are posted in the area where a Measure I project is in progress.
For more information on La Mirada’s capital improvement projects, call the City’s Public Works Department at (562) 902-2385.

La Mirada Pearl Harbor Survivor to be Honored at Veterans Event
The City of La Mirada will host its annual Salute to Veterans event this Monday, November 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts, 14900 La Mirada Blvd. The public is invited to attend this worthwhile event which pays tribute to veterans and those currently serving in our military.
This year, the City is honored to welcome Mr. Lauren Bruner as its special guest. Mr. Bruner is a WWII Veteran, Pearl Harbor survivor, and La Mirada resident of more than 50 years. Mr. Bruner was the second to last soldier to leave the USS Arizona on the day of the Pearl Harbor attacks in 1941. Mr. Bruner will be releasing his historical novel, Second to the Last to Leave USS Arizona 12.7.41, on December 1, 2016. Signed copies of the book will be available for pre-order during the event. The City is honored to welcome Mr. Bruner to share his story during the event.
Wounded Warrior Project's National Speaker Mary Tallouzi will serve as this year’s key note speaker. Mary will tell her heartfelt story of a single mother who lost her son former Sgt. Daniel Tallouzi, following trauma suffered while serving our country in Iraq.
The City and community members will have an opportunity to honor La Mirada veterans who have returned home. Military street banners will be retired and presented to veterans and his or her family members during the ceremony on stage. Many veterans will be on hand to display memorabilia and talk to guests about their service. A video presentation showcasing photos submitted from local veterans will also be shown.
For more information about the event, contact the City’s Community Services Department at (562) 942-7277.

La Mirada Properties Grow in Assessed Value
La Mirada~Assessed valuation of private properties in the City of La Mirada passed the $5 billion mark for the first time during 2012, according to the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office.
The value of properties in La Mirada grew by $103,205,988 to a total of $5,062,501,248 during the year. The pace of growth in La Mirada, which is a nearly fully developed community, was on par with the County as a whole.
There are 13,416 residential parcels in La Mirada, 486 commercial-industrial parcels and 62 residential income properties, according to the Assessor’s report.
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