Norwalk~The Associated Students of Cerritos College will honor and show gratitude to the men and women who sacfrifce so much for our country by hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony Monday, November 10th at 11:00 a.m.

The event will take place on the steps of the Burnight Theater on the school campus.

Speaking at the ceremony will be Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, Cerritos College Board of Trustee President Carmen Avalos, Associated Students of Cerritos College President Miles Aiello, and many student Veterans.

Additionally, there will be life performances by the Cerritos College Concert band and a silent auction by the Artist Society of Cerritos College.

Afterwards, visitors are invited to stop by the Veterans Resource Center for an open house from 12:30-1:30.

For more information contact Cynthia Chavez at