Applications are being accepted from residents who are interested in applying for a City Council seat being vacated by Susan Tripp, who submitted her resignation effective June 17.

The deadline to submit applications is 5 p.m. on June 22.

Applicants are required to be U.S. citizens, at least 18 years of age, be a registered voter and a resident of La Mirada.

Application forms are available at City Hall and may be downloaded here. Applicants are required to submit a written statement detailing their qualifying background and experience.

The City Council cited concerns with the cost of holding a Special Election, as well as the lengthy delay in returning the City Council to its full complement of five members, as reasons for choosing to appoint a new Councilmember to fill the term which expires in 2013.

Councilmember Tripp, who was elected to City Council in 2001, resigned to dedicate more time on a new business venture that requires her to spend significant time away from La Mirada. Her final City Council meeting will be on June 14.

For additional information, contact the City Clerk's Office at (562) 943-0131.