La Mirada Approves District-Based Election System

La Mirada Approves District-Based Election System

La Mirada~The City will be holding a by-district election on March 7, 2017 to fill two City Council seats The third and final public hearing was held on November 8 to gather input on draft City Council district maps.

The City Council initiated the change after a threat of a lawsuit from MALDEF (Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund).

A total of 12 maps were considered by the Council including submittals from residents Dale Nowicki, Noel Jaimes and Zurich Lewis. MALDEF submitted a map as well. A firm the City hired also submitted map choices.

After the public hearing, the City Council approved to change the City Council election system from at-large to by-district and adopted a district map, known as Map 12 (submitted by Lewis), to be in effect by the March 2017 City Council election.

Members of Districts 1 and 2 will be elected in March 2017, while members of Districts 3, 4, and 5 will be elected in March 2019.  Members must reside in the districts they represent.  To view the District Map, visit the City’s website.

The map pits incumbents Pauline Deal and Andrew Sarega against each other in District 2. Both have already filed for re-election. In District 1, nobody has filed papers as of this time.

The nomination period opened at on November 14 and closes at 4:30 p.m. on December 9. If an incumbent does not file papers by December 9, the nomination period is extended until 5:30 p.m. on December 14.  You must be a registered voter in the City of La Mirada on the date nomination papers are picked up at City Hall to qualify to run for the office of La Mirada City Councilmember.

The last day to register to vote in the March 7, 2017 election is February 20, 2017. Registration forms will be available at City Hall, the La Mirada Library, the Post Office, or you can request it by mail by calling the Los Angeles County Elections Registration Request Line at (800) 481-VOTE (8683).

If you have general questions about the election, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (562) 943-0131.

Opinions, Comments and Information from Blog Readers #2

Opinions, Comments and Information from Blog Readers #2

Do you have an opinion, comment or information you would like to share with the community? E-mail the La Mirada Blog at, text us at (562) 483-3574 or send us a message on our Facebook or Twitter pages. Please give us permission to use your name or if you would like to remain anonymous. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the La Mirada Blog or its advertisers. Here’s the latest:

Please be aware a black Chrysler.300 around La Mirada going around stealing your valuables when you're not looking. My daughter and her husband parked in my driveway just for a few minutes to pick up the babies. Once they came back their wallets were taken. A neighbor came running to let us know a strange looking tall white male came around and quickly ran away from the house. Unfortunately we've lived here a long time and because we've never experienced this before, we thought it would never happen to us. A very valuable lesson learned —  feeling angry-Regina Trevino

There is a painting contractor going by ###### ###### & ########## ####### operating within the city limits of La Mirada, and they are preying on local senior citizens. They do have a contractor’s license but not a La Mirada city business license. They have painted many houses in the city over the years.Their work may be decent work but nonetheless, they continually stop by every year or so and suggest other painting or repair work and even say the house needs to be painted again. The particular experience I know of is of a house painted by the company less than 5 years ago and definitely does not need to be repainted again. They do not wait for the work to be solicited by the homeowner, but knock on the door recommending work often not needed because they have gained the trust of the senior citizen. They charged $5500 to paint a house less than 1200 square feet, that was painted fairly recently. -Anonymous

I have had 2 vehicles stolen from the 14000 block Valley View Avenue. The latest was a F750 service truck on 11/4/16 @ 4:05 AM out of my driveway. The GPS was defeated 12 minutes later in a neighborhood on Imperial Hwy west of Valley View. No leads at this point-G. Smith

Heads up my dads truck was broken into on Libra drive. 1st time someone has broken into anything the 35 years I've lived there.  -Brian

Help Others This Holiday Season; Give to City Annual Holiday Toy & Food Drive

Help Others This Holiday Season; Give to City Annual Holiday Toy & Food Drive

You can help those less fortunate this holiday season with La Mirada's annual Holiday Toy & Food Drive. 

Now through December 12, donations of new, unwrapped toys, and nonperishable food items will be accepted at the following City facilities: Activity Center, Resource Center, Community Gymnasium, Community Sheriff's Station, Splash!, City Hall, and participating local businesses throughout La Mirada.

This worthwhile program will help provide holiday gifts and meals for La Mirada families in need during the holiday season. For more information, contact the City of La Mirada at (562) 902-3160.

Business Beat: Steinmart May Switch to Ross; Elephant Bar Closes its Doors

Business Beat: Steinmart May Switch to Ross; Elephant Bar Closes its Doors

La Mirada~According to a source, for unnamed reasons, the Steinmart located at 15754 Imperial Highway will be closing its doors when its lease expires in February. Multiple sources have also indicated to us that a Ross Department Store may take its place.The Steinmart is expected to remain open through the end of the year.

Also, we received a message the Elephant Bar Restaurant at 14303 Firestone Boulevard has shuttered. We tried calling the restaurant earlier this evening to confirm, but there was no answer and no message opportunity. After visiting the site, we can confirm the restaurant has closed.

The Costa Mesa-based parent S.B. Restaurant Co. filed for bankruptcy in 2014 and closed 16 units. They also closed 4 units in the Bay area last month. A check of the chains website revealed the La Miirada location has been omitted with only three Southern California locations remaining.

In 1980, founder of the Carrows family-dining chain, David Nancarrow, opened the first Elephant Bar Restaurant location in Lubbock, Texas. At one time, the chain had 25 stores in six states.

The La Mirada Blog has also learned the Big O Tires on Valley View Avenue has also closed its doors.

La Mirada Library Renovations Almost Complete

La Mirada Library Renovations Almost Complete

The end of the work is drawing closer as the Office of Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe and the County of Los Angeles Public Library have announced a dedication and tour event for the remodeled La Mirada Library.

The event is scheduled for Monday, November 21 at 1:30 p.m.

The Library is currently undergoing a $4 million renovation project. The funds for the project were provided by Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe as part of the Supervisor’s “Operations Library” campaign. Through the campaign, five libraries in the Los Angeles County 4th district have been upgraded.

Renovations to the 45 year-old library include new flooring, ceilings, paint, lighting, furniture and equipment. The library will also feature a teen work room, study rooms, an extensive children’s area, a conference room, and a space for the Friends of the Library group.

For more information, contact the City of La Mirada at (562) 943-0131.

La Mirada Pearl Harbor Survivor to be Honored at Veterans Event

La Mirada Pearl Harbor Survivor to be Honored at Veterans Event

The City of La Mirada will host its annual Salute to Veterans event this Monday, November 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts, 14900 La Mirada Blvd. The public is invited to attend this worthwhile event which pays tribute to veterans and those currently serving in our military.

This year, the City is honored to welcome Mr. Lauren Bruner as its special guest. Mr. Bruner is a WWII Veteran, Pearl Harbor survivor, and La Mirada resident of more than 50 years. Mr. Bruner was the second to last soldier to leave the USS Arizona on the day of the Pearl Harbor attacks in 1941. Mr. Bruner will be releasing his historical novel, Second to the Last to Leave USS Arizona 12.7.41, on December 1, 2016. Signed copies of the book will be available for pre-order during the event. The City is honored to welcome Mr. Bruner to share his story during the event.

Wounded Warrior Project's National Speaker Mary Tallouzi will serve as this year’s key note speaker. Mary will tell her heartfelt story of a single mother who lost her son former Sgt. Daniel Tallouzi, following trauma suffered while serving our country in Iraq.

The City and community members will have an opportunity to honor La Mirada veterans who have returned home. Military street banners will be retired and presented to veterans and his or her family members during the ceremony on stage. Many veterans will be on hand to display memorabilia and talk to guests about their service. A video presentation showcasing photos submitted from local veterans will also be shown.

For more information about the event, contact the City’s Community Services Department at (562) 942-7277.

I-5/Valley View Interchange Project Finally Gets Underway

I-5/Valley View Interchange Project Finally Gets Underway

U.S. Representative Grace Napolitano, Assemblyman Ian Calderon, Supervisor Don Knabe, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, La Mirada Mayor Steve DeRuse await to speak at the I-5/Valley View Interchange groundbreaking. Photo Tony Aiello (c) La Mirada Blog 2016

La Mirada~The time has finally come as Caltrans and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro)  announced construction of the final phase of the $1.9 billion I-5 South Corridor Improvement Project has officially got underway.

A groundbreaking ceremony was held at an old furniture store parking lot Wednesday, October 26th.

The sixth and final segment, the $631 million I-5/Valley View Interchange Project, extends from Artesia Boulevard to North Fork Coyote Creek near Alondra Boulevard and will add new carpool lanes and general-purpose lanes in each direction through the cities of Buena Park, La Mirada, Cerritos and Santa Fe Springs.

“This is the final hurdle toward making transportation safer and less congested along this vital stretch of the I-5 South corridor,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. It brings us one step closer toward improving freeway connections for commerce and the local communities.

The project will replace the two bridges at Valley View with a six-lane overcrossing that will span 1,600 feet. Additional improvements include the construction of a railroad bridge, reconfiguring on-and-off ramps and the realigning of Firestone Boulevard.

Guest speakers at the ceremony included Grace Napolitano, U.S. Representative, Congressional District 32; Ian Calderon, Assembly Member District 57; Supervisor Don Knabe, LA County Fourth District and Metro Board Member; John Fasana, Chair, Metro Board and City of Duarte Councilmember; Steve DeRuse, La Mirada Mayor; Eric Garcetti, First Vice Chair, LA Metro Board, and Los Angeles Mayor; and Monica Gourdine, Associate Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration.

No closures of Valley View Avenue are expected for the duration of the project; however South Firestone Boulevard will be closed for an extended period of time.

The project is expected to be completed in late 2019.

It’s Time for Haloweenfest at Neff Estate

It’s Time for Haloweenfest at Neff Estate

The City of La Mirada invites families to enjoy a festive time at the City’s annual Halloweenfest on Monday, October 31 from 5 to 8:30 p.m. at the historic Neff Estate, 14300 San Bruno Drive.

The free event will feature a haunted maze, a Jack-O-Lantern contest, games and crafts, and food booths. House tours of the historic Neff Estate will also be offered. This family-oriented event is perfect for all ages.

A costume contest for participants and their pets will take place throughout the evening. Arrive early to enter and win!

The costume contest categories and start times are as follows:
Pets, 5:30 p.m; Ages 2 and under 5:50 p.m; 3 to 5 6:20 p.m; 6 to 8 6:50 p.m; 9 to 12 7:20 p.m.; 13 and up 7:50 p.m.

For more information, call the City’s Community Services Department at (562) 943-7277.

La Mirada to Host Council Districting Informational Workshop Oct. 20

La Mirada to Host Council Districting Informational Workshop Oct. 20

La Mirada~The City is in the process of considering modifying its elections from the current at-large system, where all voters elect all members of the City Council, to a by-district system, where only voters in a given district vote on one person to represent them.  The City held the first of three public hearings on October 11 to gather community input to assist in setting City Council districts. Two more public hearings are scheduled for Tuesdays, October 25 and November 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

The City is also hosting a City Council Districting Informational Workshop on Thursday, October 20 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall to educate residents on the districting process. City staff will provide a demonstration of the on-line mapping tool that residents can use to participate in the process. Four map drafts are currently available online on the City’s website along with the district mapping tool where residents can suggest their own districts.

For more information on the Council Districting process, contact (562) 943-0131.

City Will Change to District Voting for March 2017 Election

City Will Change to District Voting for March 2017 Election

The City of La Mirada has scheduled three Public Hearings to receive public testimony and gather input to consider modifying its elections from the current at-large system, where all voters elect all members of the City Council, to a by-district system, where only voters in a given district vote on the person to represent them.

The number of representatives on the City Council will remain at five.

The first Public Hearing was held on October 11, with the other two slated for October 25 and November 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers at La Mirada City Hall.

The City Council members made the decision they would elect by district rather than fight a lawsuit from the Latino voting rights group, the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and face the possibility of having to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The city received the letter from MALDEF that stated, “We have received complaints from Latino voters in the city of La Mirada that the use of an at-large election system for the election of city council members results in Latino voter dilution. We reviewed the demographic and electoral information pertaining to your jurisdiction, based on our investigation we believe that the city of La Mirada is in violation of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) and must convert to a by-district election system.

La Mirada is comprised of 36% Latino who are voting age however none of the five current members of the city Council is Latino and, with one exception, there have been no Latino city council members since the City’s incorporation.

Based on that, MALDEF concluded that the lack of success of Latino candidates results from the inability of Latino voters to elect candidates of choice due to racially polarized voting among the electorate.

