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Halloween Club Moving to La Mirada
La Mirada~The Halloween Club of Santa Fe Springs is moving to La Mirada-in fact, it has already opened for business.
Because of the I-5 Wideing Project, the business is being forced to move. The Halloween Club-a year round operation- will occupying the old Gateway Chevrolet site on Firestone Blvd. The Santa Fe Springs site is also on Firestone.
Not only will this provide a large sales tax boom for the city, improvements can be expected on the property, which has become an eyesore recently.

Young Politicians Propose Public Art Plan
Dames Takes Swipe at School District
La Mirada~Established in 1960, the Youth In Government program partners with the La Mirada Ebell Service Club and La Mirada High School to give students an opportunity to work with city officials and learn about municipal government. These students are given the assignment of reviewing community issues or existing programs and services, developing alternatives and providing recommendations for enhancing services and programs.
As part of the Youth In Government program, the Student City Council and staff are paired with their city counterparts at a special La Mirada City Council meeting where they conduct business just as a regular city council meeting would be conducted. The Youth In Government program has actively contributed to the development of the La Mirada Community Gymnasium and the installation of left-turn signals at busy intersections.
In 2009, the Youth In Government group proposed that the city create and implement a Go Green Action Plan to assess current energy usage, identify new energy efficient practices, establish partnerships and promote a green and environmentally conscious city. The group also recommended that staff pursue grant funding to develop a community bike trail along Coyote Creek. These proposals were well received, and city staff is working on a Go Green Action Plan to be implemented in 2009–10 and pursuing grant funding to develop the bike trail.

WOW! La Mirada Chamber Welcomes Latest Member
La Mirada~The La Mirada Chamber of Commerce presented a ribbon cutting ceremony today to welcome its newest member, WOW! Workout World, located at 12805 Valley View Avenue in La Mirada.
A light lunch and a tour of the facility was provided for about 75 guests. For more information email info@lm chamber.org.
Above, La Mirada Chamber President Pastor Jack Miranda welcomes WOW! owners, B. Brian Miller and his brother Darren to the La Mirada community.

Free Annual Career Expo and Job Fair Returns
Norwalk~Cerritos College's annual Career Expo and Job Fair will be held Tuesday, March 23, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Wilford Michael Library/Falcon Square sidewalk at Cerritos College, 11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650.
The event, which attracts more than 500 attendees each year, is free and open to Cerritos College students and the general public. It is recommended that attendees dress in business attire and bring copies of resumes with them.
During the expo, attendees will have opportunity to speak to recruiters, learn about the companies, explore job opportunities, network with recruiters, and receive suggestions from employers on resumes and interviewing skills. Employers representing business, finance, technology, healthcare, retail and other industries will participate in the expo. Resume writing and job fair strategies workshops will be offered prior to the event. Current list of participating employers includes Caltrans, Home Depot, L.A. Restaurant Management, L.A. County Fire Department, LAFD, LAPD, Project Apple/Bellflower USD, Southern California Edison, Target, the University of Phoenix and more.

Latest La Mirada Blog Radio Show Now Available
Click below to access the latest "La Mirada Blog Radio Show " which originally aired March 29th, 2010.
Guests include Russ Tice and Paula Karch, sharing memories of growing up in La Mirada. Also, current La Mirada news is featured.
Click here to listen. Also, if you prefer, you may listen on Facebook at facebook.com/lamiradablog or on Twitter at twitter.com/lamiradablog

Carnival Fund-Raising Meeting Thursday
La Mirada~The "4 La Mirada Kids" Carnival is fast approaching. Individuals and groups interested in raising funds for non-profit organizations can register to host a booth at this year's Carnival.
A mandatory registration meeting will be held Thursday, February 25 at 7 p.m. at the La Mirada Resource Center, 13710 La Mirada Boulevard. A representative from interested groups is required to attend.
The Carnival will be held at Benton Middle School on Friday, April 23 from 5 to 11 p.m., Saturday, April 24 from noon to 11 p.m., and Sunday, April 25 from 1 to 9 p.m. Guidelines and information packets will be available at the Resource Center prior to the meeting

La Mirada Lamplighter Daughter on Radio Show
La Mirada~Morgan Hurley, daughter of the late Dick Hurley who was the La Mirada Lamplighter Editor for many years will guest on "The La Mirada Blog Radio Show" Monday, February 22nd at 7:00 p.m. on www.adviceradio.com.
The webcast will also be available on podcast after the live program.
The La Mirada Lamplighter-to this day-holds a very special place in many peoples hearts. It ran from the late fifties until 1979 when it was forced out of business by Knight-Ridder Newspapers.
Morgan Hurley grew up with the paper and also served as a reporter for the paper. Dick Hurley and his wife, Gwenn, had a lot of influence in the shaping of La Mirada that continues today.

Discounted Pre-Sale Ride Tickets Available for Annual Carnival
La Mirada~Purchase your pre-sale tickets to the annual "4 La Mirada Kids" Carnival for $10 at the La Mirada Resource Center. A percentage of the proceeds are returned to local schools and organizations that sell the pre-sale tickets.
The carnival will be open April 23 through 25 at Benton Middle School and feature rides, food and entertainment for the entire family.
Sponsored by the La Mirada Community Services Foundation, the event raises funds for youth groups and community organizations in La Mirada. Volunteers donate thousands of hours each year to make the carnival a success. Schools and organizations throughout La Mirada use carnival funds to support many educational and extracurricular opportunities.
Individuals and organizations interested in volunteering at the Community Carnival or becoming event or booth sponsors should call Community Services at (562) 943-7277.

3rd Annual La Mirada Kiwanis Rubber Duck Race Community Fundraiser
La Mirada~The 3rd Annual "Going Quackers for Kids" Rubber Duck Race hosted by La Mirada Kiwanis will be held on Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 at the lake at La Mirada Regional Park at noon; after the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast at 7:00 a.m. and the City of La Mirada Easter Egg Hunt at 8:00 a.m.
Any group or organization can participate and earn 50% back from the number of ducks they sell at $5.00 each.
There is no fee to participate and no minimum required to sell. Group profits are determined by how many ducks are sold.
For more information call (714) 670-8186 or visit www.lamiradakiwanis.org
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